Artist : Labor day saints
Album : Labor day saints
Genre : -=Street-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Again (3:21)
2. Burn (3:08)
3. Dead end (3:20)
4. If i should fall from grace with god (The pogues cover) (2:33)
5. Intro (0:35)
6. N. Union- (4:14)
7. One blood (3:37)
8. One year ago (3:52)
9. The grind (3:08)
10. Tried & true (2:43)
11. Were not to blame (2:43)
12. Who i am (2:56)
Total Playing Time: 36:17 (min:sec)
Total Size : 49,9 MB (52 312 924 bytes)
Labor day saints----Labor day saints
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