Artist : Jaya the Cat
Album : Basement Style
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Intro (0:17)
2. Are You With Me? (2:09)
3. The Bottle and the Cross (3:02)
4. Shit Jobs for Rock (2:33)
5. The Wilderness (2:55)
6. State of Emergency (3:02)
7. Forward (3:25)
8. Painful Memory (2:26)
9. Cultifornia (3:00)
10. Borrowed Time (3:32)
11. Convenience Store (3:15)
12. God and State (1:50)
13. Pass Out (2:01)
14. Just Another Question (3:41)
15. Car Crash (1:50)
16. State of Emergency Dub (3:10)
17. Dominant Paradigm (3:11)
18. Basement Style (2:55)
19. Six Cold Beers (2:04)
Total Playing Time: 50:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 69,4 MB (72*720*670 bytes)
Jaya the Cat----Basement Style

Artist : Jaya The Cat
Album : Ernesto's Burnin'
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. God And State (1:55)
2. Borrowed Time (3:27)
3. The Wilderness (3:55)
4. Passout (3:01)
5. Convenience Store (4:40)
6. Forward (3:12)
7. Driving Drunk (2:30)
8. State Of Emergency (5:20)
9. Running Away (4:06)
10. Painful Memory (2:23)
11. Bought And Sold (1:28)
12. Halfway Home (2:21)
13. Are You With Me (2:43)
14. Tequila (1:25)
Total Playing Time: 42:33 (min:sec)
Total Size : 58,5 MB (61*337*992 bytes)
Jaya The Cat----Ernesto's Burnin'

Artist : Jaya The Cat
Album : First Beer Of A New Day
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Twist The Cap (2:59)
2. Half Way Home (2:22)
3. Final Solution (2:31)
4. Weed In The Back Yard (2:50)
5. Justice (2:10)
6. Transistor Radio (2:49)
7. Nobody's Fault (3:40)
8. Drug Squad (2:57)
9. El Camino (3:13)
10. Just The Way It Goes (3:27)
11. Love Song For Drunks (2:23)
12. The Bottle Left Me (2:59)
13. The Wilderness II (3:02)
14. Cog In The Wheel (3:18)
Total Playing Time: 40:45 (min:sec)
Total Size : 56,0 MB (58*748*736 bytes)
Jaya The Cat----First Beer Of A New Day

Artist : The Forum Walters
Album : No No Song
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Rightswing (3:23)
2. Honor & Fatherland (2:09)
3. No No Song (2:27)
4. Unconditional Love (3:12)
Total Playing Time: 11:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,4 MB (27*657*390 bytes)
The Forum Walters----No No Song

Artist : Jaya The Cat
Album : Live @ Dutch Ska Festival (live)
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 32000Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Twist The Cap (3:40)
2. Nobody's Fault (3:25)
3. God & State (1:58)
4. Cog In The Wheel (3:23)
5. The Drug Squad (3:16)
6. Forward (3:21)
7. Mistake (4:02)
8. Borrowed Time (3:19)
9. Justice (5:39)
10. Transistor Radio (3:27)
11. The Bottle Left Me (3:41)
12. Final Solution (2:30)
13. Argmagedeon Time (7:40)
Total Playing Time: 49:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 67,9 MB (71*232*960 bytes)
Jaya The Cat----Live @ Dutch Ska Festival (live)

Artist : Jaya The Cat
Album : More Late Night Transmissions With
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~198K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Hold My Beer And Watch This (1:42)
2. Blur (3:45)
3. Goodmorning (3:15)
4. Thank You Reggae (3:03)
5. Hello Hangover (3:19)
6. Mistake (2:56)
7. Chemical Salvation (3:18)
8. Pass The Ammunition (3:18)
9. Night Bus (3:00)
10. The Carnival (2:41)
11. Voice Of The Poor (3:18)
12. Government Center (3:28)
13. Closing Time (3:57)
Total Playing Time: 41:03 (min:sec)
Total Size : 62,7 MB (65*738*903 bytes)
Jaya The Cat----More Late Night Transmissions With

Artist : Jaya The Cat
Album : O'farrell
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. This Town (3:42)
2. Forward (3:19)
3. Untitled (2:28)
4. Shit Jobs For Rock (2:37)
5. Pass Out (1:51)
6. New Millenium (2:48)
7. Cultifornia (2:58)
8. Night Nurse (3:12)
9. Sirens Wail (2:09)
10. Street Life (2:32)
11. Microphone Burglar (2:33)
12. The Sickness (1:56)
13. Walking the Cow (1:21)
14. Misunderstood (2:13)
Total Playing Time: 35:45 (min:sec)
Total Size : 65,5 MB (68*727*329 bytes)
Jaya The Cat----O'farrell

Artist : Jaya The Cat
Album : The New International Sound Of Hedonism
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Bos & Lommerweg (3:02)
2. Date With A Needle (3:20)
3. Fake Carreras (3:23)
4. Here Come The Drums (3:27)
5. Late Night Sonic Insurrection (3:10)
6. One Way Ticket Home (2:17)
7. Peace & Love (3:06)
8. Put A Boombox On My Grave (3:10)
9. Rebel Sound (2:57)
10. Thank You (3:42)
11. Thessaloniki (2:56)
12. This Could All Go So Horribly Wrong (3:02)
13. Two Ships Passing (2:37)
14. Unconditional Love (3:12)
Total Playing Time: 43:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 100,6 MB (105*522*700 bytes)
Jaya The Cat----The New International Sound Of Hedonism
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