Artist : La Barraca
Album : Entre Quatre Parets
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Els Nostres Somnis (4:32)
2. Ultim Tret (4:12)
3. Poble de Sorra (4:18)
4. No Pasaran (4:36)
5. Manela (5:10)
Total Playing Time: 22:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,6 MB (56*165*059 bytes)
La Barraca----Entre Quatre Parets

Artist : La Baska
Album : El Gachupin
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Siervo (2:53)
2. Bellas Tradiciones (3:51)
3. El Gachupin (3:28)
4. El Parque (4:18)
5. Gritamos Victoria (3:17)
6. Guardia Mundial (1:33)
7. Malicia En El Pais De Las Maravillas (2:33)
8. Paseo Azulado (3:05)
9. Posers (1:50)
10. Taboo (4:25)
11. Tumba El Muro (3:03)
Total Playing Time: 34:21 (min:sec)
Total Size : 31,5 MB (33*038*071 bytes)
La Baska----El Gachupin

Artist : La Big Bong Band
Album : Aprenent a Caminar
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~175K/s
Track Listing
1. Aprenent a caminar (1:40)
2. Tu Religion (4:36)
3. La Cerveza (1:50)
4. Ska nocturn (5:54)
5. La fabula (4:16)
6. Ramonet (3:36)
7. Mirando la TV (2:44)
8. La Marihuana (2:28)
9. Optimista (3:34)
10. Perdida en el olvido (4:58)
11. Boira en Pipa (2:30)
12. Potencies Mundials (Bonus track) (4:05)
13. Big Bong Funk (Bonus track) (2:29)
Total Playing Time: 44:42 (min:sec)
Total Size : 57,2 MB (59*980*350 bytes)
La Big Bong Band----Aprenent a Caminar

Artist : La Calaka
Album : danza de la muerte
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Calavera piadosa (5:45)
2. Cirkito de grinch (1:48)
3. Consume melolenga (2:27)
4. Danza de la muerte (2:12)
5. Danza macabra (4:47)
6. Danza (1:28)
7. Extra (2:39)
8. Fox (2:32)
9. Instinto (2:04)
10. Korima (3:57)
11. La calle (4:37)
12. Muerte a los nonos (1:26)
13. Pajaro (0:18)
14. Publicidad (3:29)
15. Rebelion (4:02)
16. Santa muerte (2:27)
17. Vs el sistema (3:58)
Total Playing Time: 50:04 (min:sec)
Total Size : 45,9 MB (48*148*808 bytes)
La Calaka----danza de la muerte

Artist : La Calaka
Album : Queria bailar por ora se aguanta
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Atmosfera (2:38)
2. Cuando vas (4:56)
3. Debes despertar (3:15)
4. Donde mi libertad (1:48)
5. El trampa (4:33)
6. En esta ciudad (4:20)
7. Klk (2:05)
8. La llorona (5:16)
9. Loco mota (2:26)
10. Meteoro (2:19)
11. Muerte a los engendros (2:57)
12. Racismo urbano (3:54)
13. Sonora calavera (3:05)
Total Playing Time: 43:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 40,0 MB (41*945*701 bytes)
La Calaka----queria bailar por ora se aguanta

Artist : La Calaka
Album : Sexto Aniversario
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Atmosfera (3:53)
2. Batu (1:58)
3. Cirkito de grinch (1:31)
4. Contamina (3:06)
5. Danza de la muedte (2:11)
6. Danza macabra (3:40)
7. Denge (3:01)
8. Donde mi libertad (1:38)
9. Fox (2:33)
10. Inmo (4:27)
11. Instinto (2:39)
12. Inte (3:17)
13. Inteligencia (2:34)
14. Klk (1:35)
15. Korina (2:19)
16. La Calle (4:12)
17. La Llorona (6:31)
18. Masa (1:52)
19. Por (2:43)
20. Publicidad (3:33)
21. Queria bailar (3:40)
22. Santa Muerte (4:45)
Total Playing Time: 67:49 (min:sec)
Total Size : 62,3 MB (65*316*076 bytes)
La Calaka----Sexto Aniversario

Artist : La Chaparralta
Album : High Times, Beers & Naked Chicks
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. English Version (5:46)
2. Camino a la nada (3:28)
3. XIV (2:57)
4. Choing (3:04)
5. soledown (3:52)
6. Concepto literal de una buena noche (3:17)
Total Playing Time: 22:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 52,6 MB (55*168*215 bytes)
http://La Chaparralta----High Times,...& Naked Chicks

Artist : La Chaparralta
Album : No Pasa Nada
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Camino a la nada (2:51)
2. Choing (2:28)
3. Intro (1:14)
4. Jamming (2:25)
5. Nadia - La Chaparralta (2:12)
6. Perdiendo El Sueno (2:12)
7. Soledad (3:09)
8. XIV (2:34)
Total Playing Time: 19:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 19,7 MB (20*695*720 bytes)
La Chaparralta----No Pasa Nada

Artist : La Chaparralta
Album : Septico Undercover Vol. 1
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Nadia (2:12)
2. Jamming (cover de bob marley) (2:25)
Total Playing Time: 4:37 (min:sec)
Total Size : 10,9 MB (11*392*488 bytes)
La Chaparralta----Septico Undercover Vol. 1

Artist : La Coyota
Album : Mas suerte que dinero
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. BajolaLluvia (3:47)
2. Border Patrol (3:46)
3. Buscando Bebida Y Alegria (3:45)
4. El Holgazan (4:12)
5. Hace Poco (6:40)
6. La Uno (4:07)
7. Las Primas (4:50)
8. No Esta Perdido (4:33)
9. No Hay Novedad (3:20)
10. Skalavera (3:58)
11. Skantiyankee (3:26)
12. Tecolote Bar (4:00)
13. Verano 02 (3:42)
14. Viejos Tiempos (8:54)
Total Playing Time: 63:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 86,6 MB (90*846*128 bytes)
La Coyota----Mas suerte que dinero

Artist : La Coyota
Album : Rios De Avena
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~254K/s
Track Listing
1. Navaja (5:27)
2. Fiesta O Ritual (4:08)
3. El Viaje (3:33)
4. 4 Vientos (4:08)
5. La Ultima Gota (5:39)
6. Sangre (4:49)
7. El Divo (4:40)
8. Si Senor (3:08)
9. Deja (4:15)
10. Pastilla Disco (3:24)
11. Criminal (4:25)
12. Tu Mejor Cancion (6:22)
13. Ozomonkey (5:03)
14. Suenos Dementes (4:14)
Total Playing Time: 63:23 (min:sec)
Total Size : 115,4 MB (120*955*016 bytes)
La Coyota----Rios De Avena

Artist : La Coyota
Album : Еacos, cerveza y ska
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. corazones aflijidos (2:17)
2. C.S. (2:34)
3. desorden y sangre (2:37)
4. el africanito (2:42)
5. fueron tres (2:19)
6. gacho el gabacho (3:18)
7. la guitarra (2:28)
8. la hormiguita (2:27)
9. mil cervezas (2:05)
10. rockandollebria (2:58)
11. todos los partidos (1:50)
Total Playing Time: 27:40 (min:sec)
Total Size : 25,4 MB (26*609*024 bytes)
La Coyota----tacos, cerveza y ska

Artist : La Famiglia Rossi
Album : Discorsi da bar
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~181K/s
Track Listing
1. Balabiott (3:27)
2. Discorsi da bar (1:29)
3. E' morto Pinochet (3:58)
4. Habana club (2:55)
5. Lasciarsi andare (2:59)
6. Mi sono fatto da solo (4:12)
7. Per la moto non si da (3:14)
8. Quanto ho bevuto stasera (5:53)
9. Resistenza (3:34)
10. Su cantiam (3:16)
11. Ti ho capito (4:47)
Total Playing Time: 39:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 51,5 MB (53*950*447 bytes)
La Famiglia Rossi----Discorsi da bar

Artist : La Famiglia Rossi
Album : Fiato alle trombe
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Il barista (4:16)
2. La Canzone Intelligente (2:13)
3. Libera la notte (4:02)
4. L'unico colore (4:18)
5. Mario e Libero (4:14)
6. Skamorza (3:33)
Total Playing Time: 22:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 31,5 MB (33*060*205 bytes)
La Famiglia Rossi----Fiato alle trombe

Artist : La Famiglia Rossi
Album : Il gioco e bello quando e bello
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Je suis francais (3:03)
2. La ballata del motocilante (3:10)
3. La ballata dell'amore cieco (2:59)
4. Le ferie (2:48)
5. Sentimental (4:01)
6. Solamente sole (3:56)
Total Playing Time: 19:59 (min:sec)
Total Size : 27,5 MB (28*828*784 bytes)
http://La Famiglia Rossi----Il gioco...quando e bello

Artist : La Famiglia Rossi
Album : Lillipuziani!
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Abbaglio (3:40)
2. Blues Della Lontananza (5:02)
3. Come Mi Spendo (canzone dei Lillipuziani) (3:55)
4. Comodino (2:54)
5. Il Pazzo (4:25)
6. IntroSpettiva (1:57)
7. La Ballata Del Motociclante (2:48)
8. La Ballata Dell'Amore Cieco (2:53)
9. La Bimba (2:37)
10. La Canzone Intelligente (2:14)
11. L'Attore (5:25)
12. Le Nozze (3:25)
13. Skamorza (nella morza dello ska) (3:33)
14. Solamente Sole (3:50)
15. Una Guerra Tra Cosche (4:36)
Total Playing Time: 53:21 (min:sec)
Total Size : 48,9 MB (51*288*430 bytes)
La Famiglia Rossi----Lillipuziani!

Artist : La Farra Ska
Album : Otra Noche Mas...
Year : 2014
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. ?Basta Ya! (2:31)
2. Ya Que Mas Da (2:31)
3. Otra Noche (3:01)
4. La Farra (2:45)
5. Que Sera De Mi (3:43)
6. Sangre (2:43)
7. Discriminacion (3:35)
8. Soledad (3:16)
Total Playing Time: 24:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 29,2 MB (30*584*284 bytes)
La Farra Ska----Otra Noche Mas...

Artist : La FurruSKA
Album : Problemas Y Soluciones
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 112K/s
Track Listing
1. Dias Dificiles (2:48)
2. Matanza (3:13)
3. Problemas Y Soluciones (3:14)
4. Fiesta Rude (3:22)
5. Rogelio (2:35)
6. Dia Normal (3:10)
7. Dia De Votaciones (3:03)
8. No Te Salves (3:23)
9. Hans (2:44)
Total Playing Time: 27:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 22,1 MB (23*218*817 bytes)
La FurruSKA----Problemas Y Soluciones

Artist : La Furruska
Album : Salud & Ska
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~126K/s
Track Listing
1. Autoridad (3:41)
2. Mentira (3:20)
3. Sicopata (2:55)
4. Jimmy (3:58)
5. Rogelio (2:05)
6. Soldado Americano (3:59)
7. Real Sensacion (3:42)
8. Tu Verdad (2:36)
9. Dj Rock (2:19)
10. Detente (3:46)
11. Cuarta Ola (4:00)
Total Playing Time: 36:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 32,9 MB (34*487*520 bytes)
La Furruska----Salud & Ska

Artist : La Gossa Sorda
Album : Garrotades
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (2:34)
2. Mos-kou (1:42)
3. Garrotades (3:29)
4. Colpeja fort (4:23)
5. Putrefactes (3:37)
6. Vindran (3:09)
7. Borinot (4:09)
8. Ball de rojos (3:11)
9. Mr Bong (2:26)
10. Som de La Marina (4:02)
11. La guardia (7:40)
Total Playing Time: 40:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 92,7 MB (97*212*555 bytes)
La Gossa Sorda----Garrotades

Artist : La Gossa Sorda
Album : La gossa esta que bossa
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Kassalla Contra Espanya (3:03)
2. La Font Dels 4 Xorros (3:38)
3. La Lluna Guerrillera (4:13)
4. Que Volen Aquesta Gent (4:16)
5. Soc (3:12)
Total Playing Time: 18:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 25,3 MB (26*538*480 bytes)
La Gossa Sorda----La gossa esta que bossa

Artist : La Gossa Sorda
Album : La Polseguera
Year : 2014
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. La Polseguera (6:37)
2. De cara a la paret (3:40)
3. El pecat original (4:32)
4. Esbarzers (4:25)
5. La nostra sort (4:06)
6. La veu trencada (4:02)
7. Fa tres anys (5:19)
8. Dona d'aigua (4:21)
9. Viatge al centre de la guerra (3:34)
10. He robat un altre cor (4:59)
11. Aire (5:22)
12. El forn dels borratxos (5:33)
Total Playing Time: 56:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 131,4 MB (137*822*572 bytes)
La Gossa Sorda----La Polseguera

Artist : La Gossa Sorda
Album : L'ultim heretge
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. America (3:27)
2. Apocalipsi (3:47)
3. Ateu (4:43)
4. Babaloco (4:30)
5. Cassalla paradise (4:02)
6. Cavallers (4:37)
7. Dona`m la ma (4:23)
8. Falsos i absurds (8:31)
9. L'himne del desencant (3:56)
10. L'ultim heretge (3:30)
11. Preferiria (3:16)
Total Playing Time: 48:47 (min:sec)
Total Size : 111,7 MB (117*146*085 bytes)
La Gossa Sorda----L'ultim heretge

Artist : La Gossa Sorda
Album : Sao
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s
Track Listing
1. Entre Canuts (4:36)
2. Farem Sao (4:36)
3. Ultima Volta (3:20)
4. De Matinada (4:00)
5. Camals Mullats (5:11)
6. Tres De Pego (5:10)
7. Respira (4:47)
8. Diuen (3:52)
9. Quina Calitja (3:54)
10. Vianants (3:24)
11. El Dia Que Tot Rebente (4:52)
Total Playing Time: 47:47 (min:sec)
Total Size : 88,2 MB (92*493*449 bytes)
La Gossa Sorda----Sao

Artist : La Gossa Sorda
Album : Vigila
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Batiste Ceba (5:14)
2. Estas Fotut (2:37)
3. El Senyor Pirotиcnic (4:33)
4. Cada Dia (3:04)
5. Vigila (3:38)
6. Rаdio Bemba (4:42)
7. Carnestoltes (3:55)
Total Playing Time: 27:47 (min:sec)
Total Size : 38,2 MB (40*047*061 bytes)
La Gossa Sorda----Vigila

Artist : La mala racha
Album : La mala racha
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Aun no lo sabias (2:55)
2. Intro (0:48)
3. Lejos (2:09)
4. Malas noticias (2:29)
5. Ni dios ni nadie (3:00)
6. No me digas que no (3:50)
7. No quiero (1:53)
8. Nunca mas (2:30)
9. Quien pierde (3:25)
10. Sin rumbo (3:05)
11. Tv song (2:52)
12. Yesterday (2:15)
Total Playing Time: 31:17 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,7 MB (30*087*324 bytes)
La mala racha----La mala racha

Artist : La Matatena
Album : 7 Pecados Capitales
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~174K/s
Track Listing
1. Hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia (4:16)
2. Rude Boys Chicos Rudos (3:26)
3. Tu Sabes Lo Ke Pido (3:32)
4. No Dudes De Ti (2:52)
5. Estoy Pensando En Ti (5:26)
6. Hechale Ganas (2:12)
7. Cambio (3:28)
Total Playing Time: 25:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 37,4 MB (39*230*936 bytes)
La Matatena----7 Pecados Capitales

Artist : La Matatena
Album : Emulsion De Skape
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~236K/s
Track Listing
1. Murio la Flor (2:44)
2. Una Mas de Violencia (3:02)
3. Tu Cabeza (3:13)
4. Ste Ska (2:23)
5. San Cristobal (2:25)
6. Debe Ser (3:45)
7. Mediocres (4:07)
8. No Volveras (3:18)
9. Antes (3:56)
10. ?Si! (2:08)
11. El Chacal (3:44)
12. ?Por Que? (3:37)
13. Su Majestad (3:39)
14. Cafe Para Ocho (5:09)
15. Son del Negro (4:12)
Total Playing Time: 51:30 (min:sec)
Total Size : 83,8 MB (87*914*357 bytes)
La Matatena----Emulsion De Skape

Artist : La Matatena
Album : Revuelta's Party
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. San Cristobal (En Vivo) (3:04)
2. Tu Cabeza (En Vivo) (3:45)
3. Sн! (En Vivo) (2:44)
4. Debe Ser (En Vivo) (3:56)
5. El Son Del Negro (En Vivo) (4:19)
6. El Chacal / Una Mбs De Violencia (En Vivo) (6:25)
Total Playing Time: 24:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 22,3 MB (23*389*114 bytes)
La Matatena----Revuelta's Party

Artist : La Minerva
Album : Odio a Quien Odio Merece
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Circo y pan (2:03)
2. La lista del Papa (3:40)
3. Odio contra indiferencia (0:11)
4. Odio a quien odio merece (2:47)
5. Siempre viajero (3:34)
6. La casa del senor (4:20)
7. Liveracion animal (2:40)
8. Perla de Aguas Negras (2:44)
9. Con un puto balon (1:40)
10. Caballo mariguano (3:34)
11. Siempre hacia adelante (3:23)
Total Playing Time: 30:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,1 MB (29*504*630 bytes)
La Minerva----Odio a Quien Odio Merece

Artist : La Minoria
Album : En Vivo
Year :
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Bandera Asesina (3:40)
2. Chiquitita (3:44)
3. Chololongo (6:06)
4. En Mi Mente (3:35)
5. Magia Celestial (4:27)
6. Mira Mira (5:38)
7. No Pares de Luchar (5:19)
8. Paz Pata Podos (4:44)
9. Tocar el cielo (6:00)
10. Vivir asi (3:42)
Total Playing Time: 47:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 118,5 MB (124*238*666 bytes)
La Minoria----En Vivo

Artist : La Movida Turca
Album : Pa' Que Tu Lo Bailes
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. No aprietes el gatillo (2:06)
2. No hay futuro (3:24)
3. Pa que tu lo bailes (4:24)
4. Pal pueblo (3:37)
5. Skapada turca (4:28)
6. Un mundo aparte (2:24)
Total Playing Time: 20:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 46,8 MB (49*070*756 bytes)
La Movida Turca----Pa' Que Tu Lo Bailes

Artist : La Muchedumbre
Album : Dog To Die
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Just One Day (4:41)
2. Nude Girl (4:34)
3. Little By Little (3:57)
4. 1, 2, 3 (4:57)
5. Instrumental 1 (3:33)
6. Betrayed (2:58)
7. Играта (4:43)
8. Sweet Love (5:06)
9. Back (5:08)
10. Instrumental 2 (3:09)
11. We Did (2:44)
12. La Muchedumbre (4:11)
13. Shooter (2:53)
14. Change (4:49)
Total Playing Time: 57:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 131,6 MB (137*964*751 bytes)
La Muchedumbre----Dog To Die

Artist : La Place Du Kif
Album : Sous Les Paves
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~210K/s
Track Listing
1. president des gens (5:33)
2. Vivre ceux que l'on voit (3:52)
3. PK Mikaz (2:50)
4. La rebelion (3:27)
5. Interlude (1:28)
6. Enfants soldats (4:52)
7. Jacques ce fataliste (4:45)
8. Didier (3:17)
9. Norme Franзaise (3:25)
10. La fenкtre (3:29)
11. Interlude 2 (2:18)
12. Sans papiers (5:58)
13. La Klace du Pif (6:01)
14. Piste cachйe 7 - Interlude 3 (2:37)
Total Playing Time: 53:59 (min:sec)
Total Size : 81,5 MB (85*439*878 bytes)
La Place Du Kif----Sous Les Paves

Artist : La Plaza
Album : A buena hora
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Mirame (3:19)
2. La plaza (2:18)
3. Nuestra libertad (3:43)
4. Cuando lo sabremos (2:52)
5. Skarton de chelas (3:11)
6. Alex nirvano (2:47)
7. Esta cancion (3:07)
8. Que hacer (3:53)
Total Playing Time: 25:13 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,9 MB (30*299*561 bytes)
La Plaza----A buena hora

Artist : La Plaza
Album : La Plaza
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. 100% (4:21)
2. AfВrrate (2:51)
3. Cartвn De Chelas (2:55)
4. Chico Ocioso (3:21)
5. Cirque (0:59)
6. Cuando Lo Sabremos (3:03)
7. Gracias A La Vida (3:59)
8. Mirame (2:55)
9. Te Asusta (3:30)
10. Un Payaso Mаs (3:17)
11. Ya No Estаn (3:14)
12. Yo Quiero (2:53)
Total Playing Time: 37:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 42,9 MB (44*951*519 bytes)
La Plaza----La Plaza

Artist : La Plebe
Album : Been Drinkin' Again
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Been Drinkin' Again (2:51)
2. Silver And Gold (3:28)
Total Playing Time: 6:19 (min:sec)
Total Size : 14,5 MB (15*228*336 bytes)
La Plebe----Been Drinkin' Again

Artist : La Plebe
Album : Brazo En Brazo
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Siempre Unidos (2:59)
2. Campesino (2:49)
3. Jaulas (2:03)
4. Soledad (2:20)
5. Guerra Sucia (4:05)
6. Opresion (3:39)
7. Venas Abiertas (2:58)
8. Bella Ciao (3:35)
9. No No (2:05)
10. Been Drinkin' (2:37)
Total Playing Time: 29:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 33,6 MB (35*222*772 bytes)
La Plebe----Brazo En Brazo

Artist : La Plebe
Album : Conquista 21
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s
Track Listing
1. Conquista 21 (2:56)
2. La Posta (2:51)
3. Largate Lucrecia (2:26)
4. Mirrored Floors (2:11)
5. Vahos Del Ayer (3:10)
6. ?Ya No! (1:41)
Total Playing Time: 15:17 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,0 MB (29*385*304 bytes)
La Plebe----Conquista 21

Artist : La Plebe
Album : Entre Cerveza, Ritmo, y Emocion...
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. ?Aguanta! (0:48)
2. Enfadada (1:46)
3. Que Barbaridad (1:47)
4. Emocion (1:48)
5. Dirty Old Town (2:54)
6. U.S.D.A. (1:44)
7. Hijo Mio (1:47)
8. Intermezzo (0:22)
9. Drink (1:31)
Total Playing Time: 14:32 (min:sec)
Total Size : 20,0 MB (20*982*390 bytes)
La Plebe----Entre Cerveza, Ritmo, y Emocion...

Artist : La Plebe
Album : Exploited People
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 224K/s
Track Listing
1. Exploited People (2:20)
2. Vaquero Feo (1:21)
3. Fuck You Too! (1:58)
4. El Certificate (1:54)
Total Playing Time: 7:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 12,5 MB (13*075*686 bytes)
La Plebe----Exploited People

Artist : La Plebe
Album : Hasta La Muerte!
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Reject / Refuse (2:14)
2. La Esquina (2:12)
3. Mi Tierra (3:43)
4. Runnin' (2:02)
5. Pinches Fronteras (1:54)
6. Run Joe (2:20)
7. Plebe Por Vida (3:24)
8. Cerdos Al Marchar (2:55)
9. El Enfeliz (2:42)
10. En El Enfierno (2:03)
11. La Juventud (2:02)
12. S.O.B. (2:53)
Total Playing Time: 30:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 70,8 MB (74*215*081 bytes)
La Plebe----Hasta La Muerte!

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : C'mon fandango
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~250K/s
Track Listing
1. їquй voy a hacer (2:55)
2. Universo conocido (2:39)
3. Always (3:27)
4. Ahora (2:56)
5. Soufflй d'amor (3:00)
6. La huesuda (2:14)
7. La faucheuse (1:04)
8. Machetazos en el corazon (3:04)
9. Algo que celebrar (3:11)
10. Mrs. clamidia (3:35)
11. El gran suicida (3:42)
12. El rincуn de los arrastrados (3:41)
13. Calaveras Y diablitos (3:37)
14. Me (2:02)
Total Playing Time: 41:13 (min:sec)
Total Size : 73,4 MB (76*928*470 bytes)
La Pulqueria----C'mon fandango

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : 2004 - Corridos De Amor
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. El Dia De Los Muertos (3:37)
2. En Cada Rincon (3:25)
3. Gitano (3:03)
4. La Migra (2:41)
5. Mala Cara (3:21)
6. Mil Esqueletos Al Sol (3:36)
7. Plata O Plomo (3:49)
8. Morirse De Pena (3:01)
9. No Hay Amor (4:02)
10. Pancho Tequila (2:56)
11. Quiero Saber (3:57)
12. Tan Sierto Que Paso / Rancho Perez (4:04)
Total Playing Time: 41:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 57,4 MB (60*176*529 bytes)
La Pulqueria----2004 - Corridos De Amor

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : Directo en Radio 3 (live)
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Mil skeletos (4:09)
2. Morirse de Pena (3:09)
3. Gitano (3:28)
4. Malacara (4:14)
5. El dia de los muertos (3:59)
6. La migra (3:08)
7. El rincon (3:29)
Total Playing Time: 25:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 35,3 MB (36*980*713 bytes)
La Pulqueria----Directo en Radio 3 (live)

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : Dulce De Leches
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Sheriff Culero (2:46)
2. Hasta Que Salga (3:09)
3. En Paz (4:08)
4. Hoy No Voy A Querer (4:57)
Total Playing Time: 15:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,8 MB (14*463*235 bytes)
La Pulqueria----Dulce De Leches

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : Every Body Arroz Arse [EP]
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~126K/s
Track Listing
1. El Gran Chingon (3:12)
2. Cualquier Dia (3:26)
3. Este No Es Tu Business (3:04)
4. Mientras (4:21)
Total Playing Time: 14:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 12,8 MB (13*400*236 bytes)
La Pulqueria----Every Body Arroz Arse [EP]

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : Fast Cuisine
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Cabeza Hueka (3:18)
2. Cualquier Dia (3:27)
3. Donde Estan (3:01)
4. El Gran Chingon (3:12)
5. En Paz (4:08)
6. Este No Es Tu Business (3:05)
7. Hasta Que Salga (3:11)
8. Hoy No Voy A Querer (4:57)
9. Mientras (4:23)
10. Nada (3:51)
11. Noches Al Sol (3:54)
12. Por Fin (3:24)
13. Sheriff Culero (2:48)
14. Soda (2:50)
Total Playing Time: 49:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 68,2 MB (71*536*398 bytes)
La Pulqueria----Fast Cuisine

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : Hey, Ho, Chingon!
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Gran Kahuna (1:38)
2. Universo Conocido (2:31)
3. Always (2:53)
4. Mil Esqueletos Al Sol (3:52)
5. No Hay Amor (3:27)
6. Morirse De Pena (2:58)
7. Machetazos En El Corazon (2:45)
8. El Dia De Los Muertos (4:00)
9. Gitano (5:38)
10. El Rincon De Los Arrastrados (3:50)
11. Plata O Plomo (4:07)
12. Pancho Tequila (3:08)
13. Mala Cara (1:14)
14. Souffle D'Amour (3:08)
15. La Huesuda (2:21)
16. La Migra (2:56)
17. Zacatecas (2:52)
Total Playing Time: 53:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 122,4 MB (128*358*528 bytes)
La Pulqueria----Hey, Ho, Chingon!

Artist : La Pulqueria
Album : Para To Take A Grey
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. ?Donde Estan? (3:07)
2. Por Fin (3:33)
3. Cabeza Hueca (3:24)
4. Soda (2:55)
Total Playing Time: 13:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 14,9 MB (15*625*580 bytes)
La Pulqueria----Para To Take A Grey

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : 24 images/seconde
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Paris en bouteille (2:34)
2. Pensees malsaines (3:43)
3. 24 images/seconde (3:29)
4. Naouel (3:26)
5. Dira-t-on encore ? (3:22)
6. Chanson pour Sam (2:30)
7. Affaire de famille (2:35)
8. L'admirable refrain (3:59)
9. L'eau qui dort (2:34)
10. L'epoux des rancoeurs (2:34)
11. Tonio (3:52)
12. Le pieux et la potence (2:47)
13. Travers (3:40)
Total Playing Time: 41:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 94,3 MB (98*929*409 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----24 images/seconde

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : Dans La Vapeur Et Le Bruit
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. L'instinct Du Meilleur (3:21)
2. Le Bruit Du Bang (3:21)
3. Affaire De Famille (2:24)
4. Que Le Bon L'emporte (3:39)
5. Profession Detective (3:46)
6. Pensees Malsaines (3:54)
7. 24 Images/secondes (3:52)
8. Tant D'argent Dans Le Monde (3:26)
9. Orange (2:41)
10. L'eau Qui Dort (3:30)
11. Chanson Pour Sam (2:46)
12. Unis (4:33)
13. Le Prix Du Silence (3:38)
14. Naouel (3:24)
15. Dira-T-On Encore ? (3:44)
16. Le Pieux Et La Potence (3:30)
17. Trianon (4:49)
18. Numero 23 (4:13)
19. L'odyssee Du Reel (5:12)
20. Stadio (2:57)
21. Carnet D'une Egerie (3:19)
22. Paris En Bouteille (3:04)
23. L'art De La Joie (5:26)
24. Histoires Improbables (4:10)
25. Louis (3:57)
Total Playing Time: 92:51 (min:sec)
Total Size : 212,6 MB (222*946*775 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----Dans La Vapeur Et Le Bruit

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : En concert
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Roots ska goods (version accordeon) (1:09)
2. L'instinct du meilleur (2:45)
3. Barton Killer (2:37)
4. Selon (3:52)
5. Que le bon l'emporte (3:38)
6. Du rififi chez les branques (5:06)
7. Le prix du silence (4:05)
8. Unis (5:44)
9. Le gauche (3:35)
10. Numero 23 (3:28)
11. Tant d'argent dans le monde (3:41)
12. L'art de la joie (4:11)
13. Orange (3:16)
14. Le Devoir de Memoire (6:04)
15. Taper le manche (5:12)
16. L'ecole des sous-sols (3:38)
17. Trianon (5:14)
18. Le bruit du bang (3:24)
19. Candide Revolver (3:39)
Total Playing Time: 74:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 170,4 MB (178*678*371 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----En concert

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : Grand Soir
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Go To The Party (4:16)
2. Eddie Voit Rouge (3:48)
3. Un Beau Matin Au Plus Tard (3:38)
4. Dans La Meme Rue (3:11)
5. Fantomas 2008 (2:53)
6. Quand Le Reveil Sonne (4:26)
7. La Parade De Gordon Banks (3:44)
8. Grand Soir (3:07)
9. Padam Elvis (4:59)
10. Si Tu Allais (2:31)
11. Lucile (3:30)
12. Depuis Ce Jour (2:38)
Total Playing Time: 42:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 98,0 MB (102*793*398 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----Grand Soir

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : La Trajectoire De L'homme Canon
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Un Et Un Font Trois (3:16)
2. Tierra Ne Repond Plus (2:54)
3. Des Horizons Des Peages (3:29)
4. La Trajectoire De L'homme Canon (3:53)
5. Marilyne (2:40)
6. Melodie En Action (3:21)
7. Ronnie Sait (3:19)
8. De Simples Choses (3:27)
9. Quand La Nuit (3:01)
10. Si J'etais Une Histoire (3:47)
11. De La Vie Jusqu'au Cou (3:05)
12. Paradis (3:28)
13. ... De Choses Et D'autres (3:27)
14. Soyez Le Bienvenu (4:10)
Total Playing Time: 47:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 108,6 MB (113*839*102 bytes)
http://La Ruda Salska----La Trajecto...39;homme Canon

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : L'Art De La Joie
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Le Bruit Du Bang (3:20)
2. Selon (3:52)
3. Que Le Bon L'Emporte (3:32)
4. Rien Venir (4:03)
5. Tant D'Argent Dans Le Monde (3:40)
6. Du Rififi Chez Les Branques (4:48)
7. L'Affut Du Ramdam (3:19)
8. Numero 23 (3:34)
9. Le Gauche (3:42)
10. L'Art De La Joie (4:18)
11. L'Ecole Des Sous-Sols (3:29)
12. Anatheme (3:54)
13. Barton Killer (4:43)
Total Playing Time: 50:19 (min:sec)
Total Size : 115,2 MB (120*848*234 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----L'Art De La Joie

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : Le Prix du Silence
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Orange (4:49)
2. Stadio (4:05)
3. Taper la manche (5:26)
4. Le prix du silence (3:48)
5. Roots Ska Goods (4:26)
6. Unis (4:46)
7. Trianon (5:17)
8. See Paname And Die (4:40)
9. Les freres Volfoni (4:27)
10. Le devoir de memoire (4:35)
Total Playing Time: 46:23 (min:sec)
Total Size : 106,2 MB (111*386*552 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----Le Prix du Silence

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : Les Bonnes Manieres
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Tout va bien (3:18)
2. Tant d'argent dans le monde (3:40)
3. Un et un font trois (2:57)
4. Si j'etais une histoire (3:09)
5. Que le bon l'emporte (3:48)
6. De la vie jusqu'au cou (3:12)
7. La trajectoire de l'homme canon (3:21)
8. Rien venir (4:09)
9. L'empire du moi (3:54)
10. Le prix du silence (3:33)
11. La fumee des gauloises (3:39)
Total Playing Time: 38:44 (min:sec)
Total Size : 88,7 MB (93*014*664 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----Les Bonnes Manieres

Artist : La Ruda Salska Joue Loic Da Silva
Album : Loic Da Silva Joue La Ruda Salska
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s
Track Listing
1. Trianon (4:53)
2. Le Prix Du Silence (2:44)
3. L'odysee Du Reel (3:22)
4. Tant D'argent Dans Le Monde (4:22)
5. Rien Venir (4:16)
6. Roots Ska Goods (4:15)
7. Barton Killer (4:29)
8. Depass'man (4:00)
9. L'empire Du Moi (3:58)
10. (Inedit) Mado (5:30)
Total Playing Time: 41:52 (min:sec)
Total Size : 81,7 MB (85*683*600 bytes)
http://La Ruda Salska Joue Loic Da S...La Ruda Salska

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : Odeon 10-14
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~206K/s
Track Listing
1. Cabaret Voltage (3:02)
2. Baisers Francais (4:10)
3. Souviens-Toi 2012 (3:27)
4. L'homme Aux Ailes D'or (3:52)
5. Un ete En Angleterre (3:04)
6. Odeon 10-14 (3:12)
7. Titi Rose Au Coeur (3:38)
8. Encore Une Fois (3:47)
9. 1982 (3:29)
10. Johnny John Wayne (3:55)
11. Le Prix De La Corde (3:22)
12. Candide Charlotte (3:19)
Total Playing Time: 42:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 63,6 MB (66*640*265 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----Odeon 10-14

Artist : La Ruda Salska
Album : Passager Du Reel
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. L'odyssee Du Reel (4:55)
2. L'empire Du Moi (3:42)
3. Histoires Improbables (3:56)
4. La Comedie A La Francaise (3:25)
5. L'evolutionnaire (3:51)
6. Heros Cherche Aventures (4:09)
7. Des Tambours Et Des Hommes (3:13)
8. Profession Detective (3:48)
9. Le Tort Et La Raison (4:22)
10. Carnet D'une Egerie (3:31)
11. Les Nuits Diluviennes (4:34)
12. Depass'man (4:00)
13. Indianapolis (4:19)
14. Les Maux Dits (4:12)
Total Playing Time: 56:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 128,4 MB (134*677*501 bytes)
La Ruda Salska----Passager Du Reel

Artist : La Traktora
Album : Grita
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Adversidades (2:43)
2. Convoy (2:27)
3. De aca (2:07)
4. El indigente (2:09)
5. El otro ho (3:30)
6. Eu (2:11)
7. Grita (2:17)
8. Inmersion (3:22)
9. La naturaleza (3:04)
10. Pogo, cerveza y amistad (2:31)
Total Playing Time: 26:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,2 MB (25*414*870 bytes)
La Traktora----Grita

Artist : La Traktora
Album : Proximo
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~95K/s
Track Listing
1. Al sol-ensayo (4:36)
2. El serranito-ensayo (3:12)
Total Playing Time: 7:49 (min:sec)
Total Size : 5,4 MB (5*658*979 bytes)
La Traktora----Proximo

Artist : La Ultima Caida
Album : Demo
Year : 2007-2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Corre pancho! (2:21)
2. Nuve Nueve (3:40)
3. Hira Y Danza (2:50)
4. Pendejadas (3:55)
5. Two Step'N (2:30)
6. Tus Armas Caen (2:39)
7. Bastardo (2:47)
8. skank (2:17)
Total Playing Time: 23:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 31,7 MB (33*206*994 bytes)
La Ultima Caida----Demo

Artist : La Urban Mr. Sound
Album : Estratos EP
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Esfuerzo Laboral (3:43)
2. Estratos (3:42)
3. Los De Cuello Blanco (2:44)
4. Marionetas (3:06)
Total Playing Time: 13:17 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30,4 MB (31*915*541 bytes)
La Urban Mr. Sound----Estratos EP

Artist : Lagamino Turinys
Album : Black Suits
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Uniformuotiems (2:28)
2. Nusipirk (1:49)
3. Black suits (3:06)
4. United (2:09)
5. McDonald's (3:07)
6. Should try (4:38)
7. Do the chess (2:11)
8. Skank'n'roll (2:07)
9. 12 юodюiш apie alkoholб (0:09)
10. Outro (1:42)
Total Playing Time: 23:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 32,3 MB (33*859*940 bytes)
Lagamino Turinys----Black Suits

Artist : Lame Ducks
Album : Are You Lame Or Something
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro ( 0:13)
2. Lies ( 4:01)
3. Day By Day ( 2:33)
4. Helpless ( 3:45)
5. W.I.M.Y. ( 3:17)
6. Pushed ( 2:21)
7. Our Own Salvation ( 3:03)
8. Gonna Break It ( 2:31)
9. No Respect ( 3:52)
10. Better Of This Way ( 3:31)
11. Here It Ends ( 2:57)
12. Look Back ( 3:25)
13. Walk Of Life ( 3:36)
14. I Got No ( 4:07)
15. To All My Friends (18:40)
Total Playing Time: 62:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 85,2 MB (89*359*308 bytes)
Lame Ducks----Are You Lame Or Something

Artist : Lame Ducks
Album : Duck Season
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~209K/s
Track Listing
1. Partners In Crime (3:31)
2. Leave Me Alone (3:19)
3. 2000 (3:21)
4. Duck Season (3:48)
5. Jane Doe (3:28)
6. Smile (3:17)
7. Radiowave (3:41)
8. Sixteen (4:38)
9. Smith (4:11)
10. Reminder (2:50)
11. Crossing Borders (3:39)
12. Life Revolution (3:29)
Total Playing Time: 43:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 64,3 MB (67*450*324 bytes)
Lame Ducks----Duck Season

Artist : Lame Ducks
Album : Pick it Up
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Tuesday (3:16)
2. Mind Game (7:45)
3. Pick It Up (1:53)
4. Matilda (2:32)
5. The Sun Is Shining On Me (3:12)
6. Best Friend (2:03)
7. Times In Oblivion (3:51)
8. You Better Watch Out (2:26)
9. Crying On My Own (4:01)
10. Easy Come, Easy Go (3:10)
11. Situation (2:10)
12. Egg (5:07)
Total Playing Time: 41:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 41,1 MB (43*072*805 bytes)
Lame Ducks----Pick it Up

Artist : Las Caras
Album : Un petit Ecart
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. J'accuse (2:19)
2. La concierge m`adore (3:18)
3. La fille du fonctionnaire (3:04)
4. La souris de la cremiere (2:05)
5. Un petit ecart (2:27)
Total Playing Time: 13:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 31,6 MB (33*159*363 bytes)
Las Caras----Un petit Ecart

Artist : Last Martyrs Of A Lost Cause
Album : Sunrays To Starlight
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Another Rainy Night (2:50)
2. Open Letter (2:21)
3. With Friends Like These (3:43)
4. Calling Up (3:03)
5. Everything Is Better (2:36)
6. Thieves Of The Night (4:17)
7. A.O. (0:27)
8. Never Again (2:50)
9. Sunrays To Starlight (3:13)
10. Letting Go (4:12)
11. Morning Hour Convict (3:26)
12. Don't Take It Personal (3:33)
13. It Must Always Be Raining In The Streets Of Chicago (3:32)
Total Playing Time: 40:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 36,9 MB (38*669*785 bytes)
http://Last Martyrs Of A Lost Cause-...s To Starlight

Artist : Late For Life
Album : Absent Without Leave
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Blindsided (3:01)
2. Daddy (3:01)
3. Flight From Fright (2:11)
4. Raining Blood (2:49)
5. To My Friends (2:49)
Total Playing Time: 13:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 16,1 MB (16*896*483 bytes)
Late For Life----Absent Without Leave

Artist : Late For Life
Album : Kicked Squat In The Nuts
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Slaggae (2:10)
Total Playing Time: 2:10 (min:sec)
Total Size : 2,6 MB (2*675*166 bytes)
Late For Life----Kicked Squat In The Nuts

Artist : Late for Life
Album : ..Live
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. AWOL (2:21)
2. Hometown Pride (3:39)
3. Weiss (5:16)
4. President Alone (3:27)
5. Home Alone (3:50)
6. Another Wasted Day (2:16)
7. Price Of Happiness (4:18)
8. Enjoy The Silence (3:55)
9. Dawn Is Near (2:13)
Total Playing Time: 31:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,7 MB (30*087*605 bytes)
Late for Life----..Live

Artist : Lax Alex Contrax
Album : Feierabend
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~209K/s
Track Listing
1. Berufsjugendlich (4:13)
2. Laut (3:16)
3. Feierabend (3:17)
4. Sommerflop (3:22)
5. Maske (3:43)
6. Time After Time (3:21)
7. Superheld (3:13)
8. Explodieren (3:43)
9. Der Einfachste Weg (3:44)
10. Dein Tag (3:42)
11. Fasern (4:08)
Total Playing Time: 39:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 59,6 MB (62*489*609 bytes)
Lax Alex Contrax----Feierabend

Artist : Lax Alex Contrax
Album : Freistil
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Start (0:19)
2. Frau Aus Silikon (4:25)
3. Party Express (3:25)
4. Gib's Auf (3:35)
5. Komm Mit Mir (3:39)
6. Get Started (3:33)
7. Seid Ihr Dabei (4:38)
8. Deine Zeit (4:07)
9. Il Doccione (3:41)
10. Jungle Of Life (4:23)
11. Major Tom (4:02)
12. Mach Dein Tor (4:20)
13. Fьr Die Leute Da (4:45)
14. Party Express (3:28)
Total Playing Time: 52:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 48,1 MB (50*439*518 bytes)
Lax Alex Contrax----Freistil

Artist : Lax Alex Contrax
Album : Men on the Moon
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Lift Off (0:21)
2. What For (3:56)
3. Ghostbusters (3:46)
4. Vokalist (3:14)
5. Naughty Covergirl (3:30)
6. Ska `n? Reggae (4:58)
7. Feel The Flow (3:53)
8. Step By Step (3:36)
9. Men On The Moon (5:46)
10. Wanna See You Move (3:23)
11. Days On An Isle (5:08)
12. Wild Cat (4:10)
13. Russisch Brot (3:42)
Total Playing Time: 49:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 45,3 MB (47*552*193 bytes)
Lax Alex Contrax----Men on the Moon

Artist : Lax Alex Contrax
Album : Vorne
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~238K/s
Track Listing
1. Vorne (2:57)
2. Wer's glaubt wird selig (3:33)
3. Fьr immer (3:45)
4. Dagegen (3:53)
5. Wir brauchen Geld (1:37)
6. Soapstar (3:31)
7. Weltmeister (2:58)
8. Dein Tag (3:43)
9. Verlaufen (4:12)
10. Willkommen im Leben (4:00)
11. Pasifik Blues (3:12)
Total Playing Time: 37:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 66,0 MB (69*163*202 bytes)
Lax Alex Contrax----Vorne

Artist : Lazybone
Album : Vol. 3 - Blue In Green
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Sun Of Beach (3:32)
2. ?? (3:47)
3. Bad Bye (3:05)
4. ?????? (3:05)
5. ??? (3:53)
6. ??? (2:55)
7. I Love Mp3 (3:31)
8. Bring It Back (2:55)
9. ??? ??? (3:23)
10. Blue In Green (4:42)
11. ??? ??1?? (2:19)
12. ??? (3:19)
13. Time Cruiser (3:40)
14. ?? ?? (3:49)
15. ???? (4:16)
Total Playing Time: 52:19 (min:sec)
Total Size : 72,0 MB (75*448*040 bytes)
Lazybone----Vol. 3 - Blue In Green

Artist : Lazybone
Album : Vol. 2 - Do It Yourself
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Let's Go (2:32)
2. ???? (3:30)
3. Do It Yourself (3:41)
4. Lazy (3:32)
5. It's Alright (3:03)
6. ???????? (3:29)
7. ?? (3:34)
8. Best Friend (3:23)
9. ??? ??? (3:06)
10. We All Lovers (2:59)
11. ???? (3:16)
12. ?? (Melancholy Bule Version) (4:23)
13. ?? (Scratch DJ. Soulshine) (4:20)
14. Lazybone Are (Hidden Track) (3:00)
Total Playing Time: 47:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 67,1 MB (70*312*450 bytes)
Lazybone----Vol. 2 - Do It Yourself

Artist : Lazybone
Album : Vol. 2.5 - Extreme 2.5
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. ???? (2:42)
2. ???? ??? (3:19)
3. ?? ??? (3:20)
4. ?? ??? (2:56)
5. ??? ? ??? (3:02)
6. ? ?? ???? (3:26)
Total Playing Time: 18:49 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,4 MB (27*709*818 bytes)
Lazybone----Vol. 2.5 - Extreme 2.5

Artist : Lazybone
Album : Lazy Diary
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. BaBo (3:20)
2. Sunshine Bay (2:41)
3. Lazy Style (0:42)
4. KeunPooReunMool (3:55)
5. SoGwaeWang (2:54)
6. GongJakSae (3:41)
7. DoShiCheonSah (5:53)
8. WooYeonHi (3:55)
9. I Was Down Pt.1 (0:36)
10. I Was Down Pt.2 (3:04)
11. I Was Down Pt.3 (0:37)
12. Paradise (1:33)
13. KkaReuBiDong (2:10)
14. MaRiWah Nah (4:47)
15. Let It Go At That (2:30)
16. MoReuGessEohYoh (4:50)
17. JeongYeolEui GwahEehTeo (3:08)
Total Playing Time: 50:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 46,2 MB (48*470*639 bytes)
Lazybone----Lazy Diary

Artist : Lazybone feat. ???
Album : Vol. 3.5 - Leave Behind Emotion
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. ???? ???? ??? (4:37)
2. ??? ???? (4:10)
3. ? ?? ?? (4:19)
4. ?? ??? (3:18)
Total Playing Time: 16:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 22,6 MB (23*692*610 bytes)
http://Lazybone feat. ???----Vol. 3....Behind Emotion

Artist : Lazy Bone
Album : Naneun Sae
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Angmaui kkot (3:41)
2. Biae (4:46)
3. Die Away (4:06)
4. Geojinmarirado (3:58)
5. Gyeouldal (3:50)
6. Huhoe (4:05)
7. Jeo pureun haneurwiro (4:09)
8. Mongsanggadeul (3:50)
9. Naneun Sae (3:35)
10. Sangsirui geori (5:15)
11. Sarangi sarangeul (4:18)
12. Uhwa (3:09)
Total Playing Time: 48:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 111,8 MB (117*195*648 bytes)
Lazy Bone----Naneun Sae

Artist : Le Maximum Kouette
Album : Lundi Je M'y Mets
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Introducin'imk (0:44)
2. Lundi, Je M'y Mets (4:05)
3. L'ami Dechire (4:04)
4. Koi Faire (2:40)
5. Guay (3:33)
6. Ca Ne Veut Pas Dire (3:23)
7. Paranoпa (2:53)
8. Brother (4:36)
9. Ca Me Dirait Bien (3:41)
10. Positive Man (3:35)
11. Oui, C'est Vrai (3:18)
12. Affalee (5:30)
13. Born (4:24)
14. Shout Me (2:51)
15. Outin' (3:17)
16. Ragga Ragot (2:55)
Total Playing Time: 55:36 (min:sec)
Total Size : 77,6 MB (81*399*199 bytes)
Le Maximum Kouette----Lundi Je M'y Mets

Artist : Le Maximum Kouette
Album : Moi J'aime Ca
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Machine World ( 2:56)
2. J'ai Un Demon ( 3:02)
3. Sois Lа ( 3:25)
4. Petit Homme ( 4:03)
5. C'est Promu ( 2:53)
6. No Man's Land ( 3:41)
7. Fake ( 2:54)
8. Last Pogo In Paris ( 1:26)
9. Bad Land ( 3:03)
10. La Version Trash ( 3:30)
11. Somedays ( 3:18)
12. Moi Je T'aime Pas ( 3:51)
13. Yo Te Lo Dare (10:12)
Total Playing Time: 48:20 (min:sec)
Total Size : 67,2 MB (70*457*650 bytes)
Le Maximum Kouette----Moi J'aime Ca

Artist : Le Maximum Kouette
Album : One, Two, Tres Fort!
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s
Track Listing
1. C'est Promu (3:04)
2. Somedays (3:20)
3. Paranoia (3:01)
4. La Version Trash (3:45)
5. Machine World (2:58)
6. Fake (2:45)
7. Out'in (3:13)
8. Demon (2:56)
9. Sois - Lа (4:10)
10. Moi Je T'aime Pas (4:22)
11. I Don't Care (3:34)
12. Came Dirait Bien (4:42)
Total Playing Time: 41:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 77,9 MB (81*641*893 bytes)
Le Maximum Kouette----One, Two, Tres Fort!

Artist : Lead Shot Hazard
Album : Artillery
Year : 2014
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~263K/s
Track Listing
1. Magnificent (2:35)
2. Carry On, Carrion (2:57)
3. In Search Of Our Mothers' Gardens (3:41)
4. The Uprising (3:13)
Total Playing Time: 12:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,9 MB (26*117*088 bytes)
Lead Shot Hazard----Artillery

Artist : Leek And The Bouncing Uptones
Album : Kicking Back The Years
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. UUUUGGGHH! (1:51)
2. Wet Dreams (2:43)
3. Stick To It (2:04)
4. Pc Threat (2:26)
5. Got It All (2:20)
6. No Consent (2:18)
7. Emily & Emily (1:27)
8. Thirty Four Bee (0:49)
9. Punk Rock Girl (2:46)
10. So Punk (2:11)
11. Vegie-Core (2:21)
12. Dirty Love (2:01)
13. Amnesia (2:44)
14. Old Man's World (2:24)
15. Need (2:33)
16. Skateboard (2:31)
17. Nuf Nikcuf (2:29)
18. Ashamed To Be (Live '96) (3:42)
19. Injected (2:08)
20. We're All Going To Die (2:49)
21. Do Her (2:47)
Total Playing Time: 49:33 (min:sec)
Total Size : 45,5 MB (47*671*740 bytes)
http://Leek And The Bouncing Uptones...Back The Years

Artist : Leek And The Bouncing Uptones
Album : live recordings
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Wet Dreams (2:45)
2. I Wanna (2:09)
3. Religion (2:43)
4. Trapped (2:33)
Total Playing Time: 10:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 9,3 MB (9*801*220 bytes)
Leek And The Bouncing Uptones----live recordings

Artist : Leek And The Bouncing Uptones
Album : Roll The Dice
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s
Track Listing
1. Jonnie Walker (2:30)
2. Mmino (2:22)
3. This Town (2:10)
4. Good Ol' Days (1:55)
5. Roll The Dice (2:47)
6. The Kids Are Alright (2:33)
7. Draggin' Me Down (2:05)
8. Six Gun Brown (1:57)
9. No Consent (2:13)
10. Protect And Serve (3:10)
11. Racist (1:47)
12. We're Not Gonna Fight (1:55)
13. Alone Forever (4:30)
Total Playing Time: 31:58 (min:sec)
Total Size : 58,6 MB (61*460*187 bytes)
Leek And The Bouncing Uptones----Roll The Dice

Artist : Legal Green Tea
Album : Legal Green Tea
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Интро (0:20)
2. Будни (2:49)
3. Пикур (2:41)
4. Музыка Ска (3:02)
5. Будь Собой (3:34)
6. Вечеринки У Друзей (2:23)
7. Комары (3:16)
8. Подруга (2:58)
9. Хорошо! (4:28)
Total Playing Time: 25:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 58,6 MB (61*461*286 bytes)
Legal Green Tea----Legal Green Tea

Artist : Legitimate Business
Album : First World Problems
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. 80 on 80 (3:05)
2. A Bitter Goodbye Song (3:06)
3. A New Era (2:59)
4. First World Problems (3:28)
5. Have a Drink, Baby! (1:59)
6. It's Not Murder (If You're Already Dead) (3:32)
7. Lost Direction (2:51)
8. One Hell of a Ride (4:08)
9. Remember When (3:16)
10. S.O.S. (3:34)
11. Saint of Killers (4:41)
12. Sneaking Suspicion (4:46)
13. The Next 23 Years (4:19)
Total Playing Time: 45:49 (min:sec)
Total Size : 104,9 MB (110*015*121 bytes)
Legitimate Business----First World Problems

Artist : Legitimate Business
Album : First World Problems
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~317K/s
Track Listing
1. 80 on 80 (3:19)
2. Have a Drink, Baby! (2:08)
3. It's Not Murder (If You're Already Dead) (3:22)
4. Sneaking Suspicion (4:23)
Total Playing Time: 13:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30,0 MB (31*503*094 bytes)
Legitimate Business----First World Problems

Artist : Leniwiec
Album : Droga
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Droga (3:21)
2. Gatunek (3:36)
3. Niedowierzacy (3:10)
4. Krzychu (3:52)
5. Szkocka (2:20)
6. Helena (4:38)
7. Moj PRL (3:02)
8. Cztery zycia (3:15)
9. Kalina (3:26)
10. Kroki (1:39)
11. Cohen (Bonus Track) (2:58)
12. Ranne radio (Bonus Track) (2:26)
Total Playing Time: 37:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 86,5 MB (90*715*423 bytes)

Artist : Leniwiec
Album : Leniwiec
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Droga (3:20)
2. Cohen (3:00)
3. Radio (2:30)
Total Playing Time: 8:50 (min:sec)
Total Size : 17,2 MB (18*021*120 bytes)

Artist : Leniwiec
Album : Crazy bros - Houba hraje Leniwiec/Leniwiec gra Hoube
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~128K/s
Track Listing
1. Bomba (2:31)
2. Caj (2:37)
3. Chceme spokojene zit (3:30)
4. Crazy bros (1:54)
5. Jest juz zle (2:39)
6. Juz pozostanie tak (4:53)
7. Na ksiezyc (2:33)
8. Narodnost neznama (1:30)
9. Oto mnie masz (1:58)
10. Reggae pro pana prezidenta (2:43)
11. Znam te wasze sny (3:56)
12. Zootic (2:25)
Total Playing Time: 33:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 48,7 MB (51*086*169 bytes)
http://Leniwiec----Crazy bros - Houb...wiec gra Hoube

Artist : Leniwiec
Album : Live Belchatow
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Chcemy spokojnie zyc (4:48)
2. Chopin (2:24)
3. Deportacja '68 (2:45)
4. Harcerze (Zakon Zebrzacych) (3:13)
5. Hc (4:11)
6. Heretyk (3:23)
7. Jeszcze (2:56)
8. Koniec swiata (2:33)
9. KS Karkonosze (2:09)
10. Leniwiec - Bracia zwariowani (2:53)
11. Leniwiec (2:28)
12. Narodowosc nieznana (2:13)
13. Nasz swiat (3:00)
14. Piesn o bohaterze (Dzieci Kapitana Klosa) (5:14)
15. Piosenka o milosci (3:01)
16. Plastikowe kule (3:21)
17. Posmiertnie odznaczeni (3:55)
18. Reggae dla pana prezydenta (3:50)
19. Rude Boy Janek (Podworkowi chuligani) (3:43)
20. Rudi (3:33)
21. Strzelby z Brixton (The Clash & The Analogs) (3:54)
22. Uprzedzenia II - Martin Luther King (2:28)
23. Uprzedzenia (4:13)
24. Zawisc (3:01)
Total Playing Time: 79:22 (min:sec)
Total Size : 109,1 MB (114*392*282 bytes)
Leniwiec----Live Belchatow

Album : Reklamy na niebie
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. PiekloNiebo (3:42)
2. Szlaban graniczny (4:52)
3. Bylem biznesmenem (5:05)
4. Z pamietnika mlodego punkowca (2:59)
5. Piosenka o milosci (4:11)
6. Reklamy na niebie (3:11)
7. Wyscig (2:26)
8. Reggae dla Pana Prezydenta (kaczuchy version) (4:07)
9. Goodbye Romek (3:48)
10. Niespodziewanie (2:05)
11. Punk,reggae,ska (1:44)
12. Juz pozostanie tak (2004) (4:54)
13. Piesn o bohaterze (2003) (3:39)
14. Jesli chcesz zmieniac swiat(2004) (4:04)
Total Playing Time: 50:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 70,0 MB (73*377*113 bytes)
LENIWIEC----Reklamy na niebie

Artist : Leniwiec
Album : Rozpaczliwie wolny
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Confiteor (2:32)
2. Czas plynie i zabija rany (3:21)
3. Introit (piesn na wejscie) (2:53)
4. Ite missa est (piesn na wyjscie) (2:35)
5. Jak (2:37)
6. Jest za pozno, nie jest za pozno (2:58)
7. Nie brooklinski most (1:51)
8. Nie rozdziobia nas kruki (2:38)
9. Opadly mgly, wstaje nowy dzien (4:52)
10. Piosenka dla robotnika rannej zmiany (3:25)
11. Piosenka dla zapowietrzonego (2:17)
12. Wedrowka zycie jest czlowieka (2:39)
Total Playing Time: 34:42 (min:sec)
Total Size : 79,5 MB (83*339*504 bytes)
Leniwiec----Rozpaczliwie wolny

Artist : Leniwiec
Album : Uprzedzenia
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~122K/s
Track Listing
1. Chcemy spokojnie ?y? (3:56)
2. Tydzien (3:35)
3. Uprzedzenia (2:53)
4. Herbata (2:35)
5. D?uga historia punk-rocka (2:10)
6. Leniwice - bracia zwariowani (2:00)
7. Rudy (3:10)
8. Chopin (2:03)
9. Uprzedzenia II (Martin Luther King) (2:00)
10. Piosenka o mi?o?ci (2:36)
11. Harcerze (2:33)
12. Hc (4:21)
13. Other (1:56)
Total Playing Time: 35:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 32,1 MB (33*652*420 bytes)

Artist : Leniwiec
Album : Z tarcza lub na tarczy
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Deportacja 68 (2:16)
2. Heretyk (2:24)
3. Jeszcze (2:49)
4. K.S. Karkonosze (2:03)
5. Komunizm (4:04)
6. Koniec swiata (1:54)
7. Leniwiec (2:10)
8. Makulatura (2:19)
9. Narodowosc nieznana (1:58)
10. Nasz swiat (2:00)
11. Plastikowe kule (1:54)
12. Posmiertnie odznaczeni (3:16)
13. Reggae dla pana prezydenta (3:38)
14. Skinheads na Marsie (0:58)
15. Zawisc (2:27)
Total Playing Time: 36:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 34,2 MB (35*856*855 bytes)
Leniwiec----Z tarcza lub na tarczy

Artist : Les Allumes Du Pouce
Album : Mise En Boite
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Docteur ou 1 patient (3:03)
2. La flamme (3:12)
3. Mise en boite (3:01)
Total Playing Time: 9:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 8,5 MB (8*952*814 bytes)
Les Allumes Du Pouce----Mise En Boite

Artist : Les Cactues
Album : Tofu Jetzt!
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~273K/s
Track Listing
1. Einer reitet nach Paris (4:18)
2. Hilfspolizist (2:45)
3. Pudding mit Haus (5:00)
4. Wenn das so ist, bitte sehr! (3:20)
5. Sechs Tropfen Rock 'n' Roll (3:22)
6. Klaus Peter Peemoeller (4:25)
7. Wunder, Abenteuer, Geld (5:01)
8. Ich hab es satt (3:51)
9. Besoffene Teenies (3:58)
10. E.T. will zuhause onanieren (2:55)
11. Hier in meiner kleinen Pfuetze (3:26)
12. Scheisslied (4:06)
13. Gib mir ein Bier (2:41)
14. Qualitaet hat ihren Preis (3:54)
15. Verrannt (7:19)
Total Playing Time: 60:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 113,8 MB (119*348*196 bytes)
Les Cactues----Tofu Jetzt!

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Chaleur!
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Quiero ser bandolero ( 3:43)
2. Despierta bandanista ( 2:59)
3. Ah qu'il est bon de rire parfois ( 3:58)
4. Instrumental ( 1:59)
5. Vamos! ( 3:10)
6. No puedo ( 3:20)
7. Ese barrio ( 3:22)
8. Ciudad de oro ( 3:27)
9. Es evidente ( 2:50)
10. Hipocresia! ( 2:37)
11. Si t'es capable ( 4:24)
12. Desarollar ( 3:22)
13. Le temple ( 3:33)
14. Chaleur! (10:20)
Total Playing Time: 53:10 (min:sec)
Total Size : 73,1 MB (76*627*787 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Chaleur!

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Hay La Frita
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~181K/s
Track Listing
1. La gallina negra (2:24)
2. El cantador espanol (4:11)
3. Eso es mi vida (2:59)
4. Loco (2:45)
5. Terrible sueno (3:24)
6. Quiero ser gallina (3:37)
7. Euskadi (2:44)
8. Oi ama (1:17)
9. Mi libertad (2:58)
10. Guerilla (1:13)
11. Sendero luminoso (2:35)
12. El tirititri (3:39)
13. Maria (1:54)
14. Andare (3:29)
15. A Santiago de Chile ! (4:40)
16. Nafarroa arragoa (5:41)
Total Playing Time: 49:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 59,8 MB (62*725*783 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Hay La Frita

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Joyeux Bordel
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Super Nova ( 2:18)
2. Aqui ( 3:13)
3. Je Suis Un Con ( 3:51)
4. Madre Mia ( 2:45)
5. La Berlue ( 2:31)
6. Obrero ( 2:50)
7. Amarillo ( 3:03)
8. Tous A L'usine ( 3:37)
9. La Mosquita Muerta ( 2:44)
10. Mr Oscar ( 2:39)
11. Welcome ( 2:42)
12. Les Huiles ( 3:07)
13. Ruptura Destocke (10:21)
Total Playing Time: 45:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 63,0 MB (66*027*662 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Joyeux Bordel

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Les Cameleons
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. J'Suis Cameleon (2:44)
2. Maria (2:30)
3. Ferme Ta Gueule (2:54)
4. Un Regalo (2:56)
5. Et Si... (3:19)
6. C'est Trop Serieux (2:51)
7. Hasta Luego (3:31)
8. Rock'N Roll Band (2:50)
9. Otras Vidas (2:52)
10. La Crise (2:52)
11. Maldita Tierra (3:05)
Total Playing Time: 32:30 (min:sec)
Total Size : 47,8 MB (50*165*345 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Les Cameleons

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Live
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (3:17)
2. Super Nova (3:02)
3. Les Huiles (3:30)
4. Aqui (3:13)
5. Je Ne Paie Pas (3:12)
6. Obrero (3:15)
7. Quiero Ser Bandolero (4:38)
8. La Quemadura (3:15)
9. Hace Calor (3:02)
10. Je Suis Un Con (3:51)
11. Seguire (4:49)
12. Ciudad De Oro (3:47)
13. Todos (5:38)
14. Amarillo (2:19)
15. Nuestra Meta (2:25)
16. Chiquito (3:54)
17. Madre Mia (2:47)
18. Ruptura (9:58)
Total Playing Time: 70:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 96,3 MB (100*942*949 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Live

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Pas De Concessions
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Cinco (2:59)
2. Le Soleil D'italie (3:05)
3. Pas De Concessions (3:26)
4. L'ambassadeur (3:23)
5. Richter (3:56)
6. Le Sac De Velours (3:12)
7. Ma Plume (4:00)
8. Very Nice Girl (3:35)
9. Dimanche (2:47)
10. Le Siege Electrique (3:16)
11. Mexicain (3:13)
12. Bouge Pas (2:54)
13. Independance (3:41)
14. Cinco (Remix) (3:19)
15. Le Soleil D'italie (Remix) (3:32)
16. Ma Plume (Remix) (3:39)
17. Pas De Concessions (Remix) (3:05)
18. Independance (Remix) (3:12)
Total Playing Time: 60:22 (min:sec)
Total Size : 83,0 MB (87*018*637 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Pas De Concessions

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Todos
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Hace Calor (3:23)
2. Todos (2:48)
3. Cuidado (3:40)
4. Je Ne Paie Pas (3:15)
5. Encontrar (2:36)
6. La Quemadura (3:18)
7. La Maquina (3:33)
8. Tengo Yo (2:58)
9. La Cuenta (3:47)
10. Hatchi Lamuchi (2:29)
11. Santiago de Cuba (3:08)
12. Tu L'as vu (3:18)
13. A Poil (3:35)
14. La Madrilena (3:20)
15. Seguire (3:11)
16. Arriba Banana (3:30)
Total Playing Time: 51:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 71,4 MB (74*849*459 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Todos

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Viva La Fiesta
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~238K/s
Track Listing
1. Chiquito (3:20)
2. Amigo Ah! (2:46)
3. Falta De Sueno (3:50)
4. Lolita Ska (3:34)
5. Ciudad Del Peligro (1:31)
6. Nuestra Meta (3:27)
7. I Viva La Fiesta! (2:36)
Total Playing Time: 21:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 36,9 MB (38*744*214 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Viva La Fiesta

Artist : Les Cameleons
Album : Ya Basta!!!!!
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Adieu Chantal (3:54)
2. America Latina (3:00)
3. Barcelona (3:29)
4. Chanson A Fab (3:16)
5. Comme S'il En Pleuvait (4:14)
6. Ecolo (3:03)
7. Juke-Box (3:25)
8. La Famine (3:28)
9. La Machine (3:47)
10. La Muneca (3:14)
11. Les Dix Doigts (3:42)
12. Royal De Luxe (4:22)
13. Tete De Pioche (3:00)
Total Playing Time: 46:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 43,1 MB (45*146*286 bytes)
Les Cameleons----Ya Basta!!!!!

Artist : Les Houlalas
Album : Des champis des confitures
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 80K/s
Track Listing
1. Boy Scout (Version Chaise Musicale) (3:01)
2. Boy Scout (2:31)
3. Commandant Cousteau (2:52)
4. Dub Scout (Junior Cony) (5:16)
5. El Nicho 2004 (2:51)
6. En Orbite (2:54)
7. Gaston la Re¦uvolte (3:14)
8. J'aimerais Faire Comme l'Oiseau (2:06)
9. Lac Sergent (2:12)
10. Mr. Smith (2:49)
11. Normandie (3:10)
12. Notre-Pere (5:00)
13. Punk Maies (0:54)
14. Tous des Criminels (3:09)
15. U.D.A. (Union Des Abrutis) (2:46)
16. Very Beautyful (2:11)
Total Playing Time: 47:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 27,0 MB (28*282*179 bytes)
Les Houlalas----Des champis des confitures

Artist : Les Partisans
Album : Les Partisans
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Planete Marx (4:14)
2. Street Gones (4:06)
3. Dignite (4:27)
4. Generation Inutile (3:34)
5. Onul Et Casques Blues (3:45)
6. Sous La Pluis, Rude Boy (5:19)
7. Quel Avenir (2:35)
8. Mille Couleurs (2:42)
9. Pas De Quartier (2:25)
10. Graine De Violence (3:42)
11. Terre Brulee (3:14)
12. Rue Des Voraces (3:37)
Total Playing Time: 43:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 100,3 MB (105*120*388 bytes)
Les Partisans----Les Partisans

Artist : Les Partisans
Album : Style Of
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Quel Avenir (4:02)
2. Sous La Pluie Rude Boy (5:04)
3. Planete Marx (4:13)
4. Rue Des Voraces (3:34)
5. Graine De Violence (3:41)
6. Dignite (4:25)
7. Terre Brulee (3:10)
8. Face Au Soleil (3:16)
9. Radio Rebelle (2:58)
10. Sono Mondiale (3:40)
11. Aurore (3:53)
12. Le Train De La Derniere Chance (4:42)
13. Flash Back (2:47)
14. Reves D'Enfance (3:06)
15. Rien Ne S'efface (4:16)
Total Playing Time: 56:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 130,9 MB (137*240*174 bytes)
Les Partisans----Style Of

Artist : Les Skalopes
Album : Ya Viendra Mi Turno
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Au secours (3:23)
2. Brighton's cats (3:10)
3. Cabron (1:56)
4. Camisole (3:00)
5. Debout (2:51)
6. Familia (3:03)
7. Faux-semblants (3:43)
8. La suie (4:21)
9. Mots pour maux (4:18)
10. Nezaboravite (3:16)
11. Partir (2:41)
12. Quand j'y pense (4:07)
13. Ska for life (2:41)
14. Struggle (3:20)
15. Wreck from the pub (3:52)
16. Ya vendra mi turno (3:44)
Total Playing Time: 53:34 (min:sec)
Total Size : 122,7 MB (128*639*663 bytes)
Les Skalopes----Ya Viendra Mi Turno

Artist : Les Skapotes
Album : Ska, biere... what else ?
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~148K/s
Track Listing
1. Bolzano (4:15)
2. Roger (2:53)
3. La Souris Verte (4:08)
4. Skankman (2:32)
Total Playing Time: 13:50 (min:sec)
Total Size : 14,9 MB (15*594*655 bytes)
Les Skapotes----Ska, biere... what else ?

Artist : Les Truites Bioniques
Album : Les Aventures Des Truites Bioniques
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Comment Oublier (4:32)
2. De La Harpe Sur Un Nuage-Le Meilleur Des Deux Mondes (5:58)
3. La Fiancee De Mon Frere (3:19)
4. La Recidive (2:32)
5. Le Chasseur De Souvenirs (3:17)
6. Le Meilleur Ami (4:11)
7. Pornstar (1:57)
8. Pow Pow (1:46)
9. Robert (3:14)
10. Rock'n'Rollande (2:40)
11. Vendance Juteuses (3:52)
Total Playing Time: 37:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 42,9 MB (44*946*070 bytes)
http://Les Truites Bioniques----Les ...ites Bioniques

Artist : Les Vaches Laitieres
Album : Calvingrad
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Au Concert (2:38)
2. Calvingrad (2:56)
3. Que La Vie Est Belle (4:02)
4. Qui Qu'a Cueilli Mon Cacao (3:35)
Total Playing Time: 13:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 15,5 MB (16*224*294 bytes)
Les Vaches Laitieres----Calvingrad

Artist : Les Vaches Laitieres
Album : La Meilleure C'est La 8
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Johnny Bigoude (3:15)
2. Les Encules (2:06)
3. Les Lendemains De La Veille (2:39)
4. Les Vaches Laitieres (1:51)
5. Loft Connerie (3:27)
6. Medlaid (2:53)
7. Tulkarem (4:18)
Total Playing Time: 20:33 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,1 MB (25*245*516 bytes)
Les Vaches Laitieres----La Meilleure C'est La 8

Artist : Les Vaches Laitieres
Album : On Est Pas Des Moutons ! Ou Bien!?!
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. les vaches laitieres (intro) (0:51)
2. le chant des pigeons (4:16)
3. tulkarem (4:31)
4. achete moi ! (3:27)
5. le touriste (4:05)
6. le p'tit matin bourre (5:11)
7. au bout de nos reves (3:32)
8. les vaches laitieres (outro) (1:12)
Total Playing Time: 27:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 62,2 MB (65*188*407 bytes)
http://Les Vaches Laitieres----On Es...s ! Ou Bien!?!

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Absolution for idiots and addicts
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Overrated (3:13)
2. Negative side of optimistic eyes (2:38)
3. We, the uninspired (2:06)
4. The rest of my life (3:32)
Total Playing Time: 11:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,4 MB (27*665*359 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Absolution ...ts and addicts

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Acoustic Radio Session at Pinkpop Festival
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~178K/s
Track Listing
1. short interview (1:52)
2. Welcome to the New South (acoustic) (2:54)
3. Ghosts of Me and You (acoustic) (3:38)
4. Look What Happened (acoustic) (3:07)
Total Playing Time: 11:33 (min:sec)
Total Size : 17,5 MB (18*341*161 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Acoustic Ra...nkpop Festival

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Acoustic Songs Collection
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. All My Friends are Metalheads (Acoustic) (2:52)
2. Conviction Notice (Acoustic) (2:26)
3. Does The Lion City Still Roar (Acoustic) (2:39)
4. Ghosts Of You And Me (Acoustic) (3:17)
5. History of a Boring Town (Acoustic) (3:42)
6. Hows My Driving Doug Hastings (Acoustic) (1:21)
7. Look What Happened (Acoustic) (3:28)
8. Look What Happened (Acoustic Version 2) (2:52)
9. Portrait (Acoustic) (3:24)
10. Sleep It Off (Acoustic) (2:48)
11. Soundtrack of Our Lives (Acoustic) (2:47)
12. Suburban Myth (Acoustic) (2:13)
13. Welcome To The New South (Acoustic) (2:27)
Total Playing Time: 36:22 (min:sec)
Total Size : 41,5 MB (43*526*939 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Acoustic Songs Collection

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : All My Best Friends Are Metalheads 7"
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. All My Best Friends Are Metalheads (Radio Edit) (3:27)
2. Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding (Live) (3:23)
3. Rock And Roll Pizzeria (Live) (2:14)
Total Playing Time: 9:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,0 MB (25*178*920 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----All My Best... Metalheads 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : American Idle (Single)
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. American Idle (3:27)
2. Late Night Petroleum (2:21)
Total Playing Time: 5:49 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,3 MB (13*974*553 bytes)
Less Than Jake----American Idle (Single)

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Anthem
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Best Wishes To Your Black Lung (2:54)
2. Escape from The A-Bomb House (3:32)
3. Look What Happened (3:06)
4. Motown Never Sounded So Good (2:38)
5. Plastic Cup Politics (2:17)
6. She's Gonna Break Soon (3:14)
7. Short Fuse Burning (2:19)
8. Surrender (3:43)
9. That's Why They Call It A Union (3:03)
10. The Brightest Bulb Has Burned Out/Screws Fall Out (4:54)
11. The Ghosts Of Me And You (3:21)
12. The Science Of Selling Yourself Short (3:07)
13. The Upwards War And The Down Turned Cycle (2:59)
14. Welcome To The New South (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 44:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 100,8 MB (105*708*751 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Anthem

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : B is for B-Sides
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. A.S.A.O.K. (2:08)
2. Bridge and Tunnel Authority (3:28)
3. Goodbye in Gasoline (2:33)
4. Jay Frenzal (1:16)
5. Last Rites To Sleepless Nights (2:18)
6. National Anthem (2:13)
7. Nine-one-one To Anyone (2:22)
8. Portrait of a Cigarette Smoker (3:16)
9. Robots One, Humans Zero (2:42)
10. Showbiz Science Who Cares (2:21)
11. Sleep It Off (2:25)
12. Sobriety is a Serious Business and Business Isn't So Good (0:47)
Total Playing Time: 27:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 63,9 MB (66*989*972 bytes)
Less Than Jake----B is for B-Sides

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : B-Sides Remix
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Portrait Of A Cigarette Smoker At 19 (2:05)
2. Sleep It Off (1:35)
3. Bridge And Tunnel Authority (3:19)
4. National Anthem (1:55)
5. Goodbye In Gasoline (3:41)
6. Last Rites To Sleepless Nights (3:40)
7. Showbiz? Science? Who Cares? (2:36)
8. Jay Frenzal (1:13)
9. Nine-One-One To Anyone (2:24)
10. Robots One, Humans Zero (2:28)
Total Playing Time: 25:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 57,4 MB (60*203*256 bytes)
Less Than Jake----B-Sides Remix

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Better Class of Losers Demo Tape
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Liquor Store (3:51)
2. Shotgun (3:36)
3. Big (3:01)
4. 24 Hours In Paramus (3:08)
5. Down In the Mission (2:42)
6. St. James Hotel (4:08)
Total Playing Time: 20:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,8 MB (19*698*669 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Better Clas...sers Demo Tape

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Bootleg A Bootleg, You Cut Out The Middleman/Live In Las Vegas
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~231K/s
Track Listing
1. Automatic (2:47)
2. Happyman / 9th At Pine (3:55)
3. Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts (3:00)
4. Lockdown (2:45)
5. Leverne And Shirley (0:53)
6. Shindo (2:15)
7. Liquor Store (2:46)
8. Jen (2:52)
9. Big (2:43)
10. Sugar In Your Gas Tank (2:05)
11. Rock-N-Roll Pizzeria (2:15)
12. We're Not Gonna Take It (2:29)
13. Time And 1/2 On 2nd Ave And 6th St / Econolodged (5:15)
Total Playing Time: 36:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 60,1 MB (63*053*853 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Bootleg A B...e In Las Vegas

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Borders & Boundaries
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. 1989 (2:27)
2. Bad Scene at a Basement (2:38)
3. Bigger Picture (2:04)
4. Faction (4:07)
5. Gainesville Rick City (3:07)
6. Hell Looks a Lot Like LA (2:13)
7. Is This Thing on (3:06)
8. Kehoe (3:01)
9. Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work (3:17)
10. Look What Happened (3:34)
11. Magnetic North (2:59)
12. Malt Liquor Tastes Better (2:24)
13. Mr Chevy Celebrity (1:42)
14. Pete Jackson Is Getting (1:54)
15. Suburban Myth (2:25)
Total Playing Time: 41:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 94,2 MB (98*740*371 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Borders & Boundaries

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Borders & Boundaries (Reissue)
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Magnetic North (2:59)
2. Kehoe (3:01)
3. Suburban Myth (2:25)
4. Look What Happened (3:34)
5. Hell Looks a Lot Like L.A. (2:13)
6. Mr. Chevy Celebrity (1:42)
7. Gainesville Rock City (3:07)
8. Malt Liquor Tastes Better When You've Got Problems (2:24)
9. Bad Scene and a Basement Show (2:38)
10. Is This Thing On? (3:06)
11. Pete Jackson is Getting Married (1:54)
12. 1989 (2:27)
13. Last Hour of the Last Day of Work (3:17)
14. Bigger Picture (2:41)
15. Faction (3:30)
16. Suburban Myth (Demo) (2:22)
17. Magnetic North (Demo) (3:01)
18. Hell Looks a Lot Like L.A. (Demo) (1:31)
Total Playing Time: 48:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 110,0 MB (115*363*782 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Borders & Boundaries (Reissue)

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Crash Course In Being An Assho
Year : 199x
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Your Love (1:20)
2. Teenager in Love (1:26)
3. Freeze Frame (2:28)
Total Playing Time: 5:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 7,2 MB (7*586*232 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Crash Course In Being An Assho

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Do the Math
Year : 2014
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Do The Math (3:14)
2. Connect The Dots (2:31)
Total Playing Time: 5:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 14,3 MB (14*944*347 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Do the Math

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : G-Man Training Target 7"
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Three's Company (0:35)
2. Happy Days (1:01)
3. The Dukes of Hazzard (0:36)
4. The Jeffersons (0:53)
Total Playing Time: 3:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 2,9 MB (3*034*802 bytes)
Less Than Jake----G-Man Training Target 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Goodbye blue & white
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Modern world (2:03)
2. Losing streak (1:56)
3. Mixology of Tom Collins (2:06)
4. I think i love you (2:04)
5. Son of Dick (1:28)
6. Teenager in love (1:32)
7. Freeze frame (2:29)
8. Your love (1:27)
9. Hamburger hop (0:49)
10. Scott Farcus takes it on the chin (2:45)
11. Descant (1:48)
12. The reflex (3:14)
13. Evil has no boundaries (2:08)
14. Antichrist (1:41)
15. Cheese (1:21)
16. Mississippi mud (0:24)
17. Grandma got run over by a reindeer (2:06)
18. Rock and roll pizzeria (1:54)
19. We're not gonna take it (1:46)
20. How's my driving doug hastings (live) (1:29)
21. Johnny quest thinks we're sellouts (live) (3:14)
22. Sugar in your gastank (live) (2:02)
23. Laverne and shirley (live) (0:50)
24. KROQ song (0:23)
Total Playing Time: 43:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 99,0 MB (103*792*567 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Goodbye blue & white

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Greased
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Summer nights (1:53)
2. You're the one i want (2:10)
3. Look at me, i'm Sandra Dee (1:01)
4. Greased lightnin' (2:28)
5. Hopelessly devoted to you (2:13)
6. Blue moon (1:37)
7. Beauty school dropout (2:16)
8. We go together (1:45)
Total Playing Time: 15:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 35,4 MB (37*149*775 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Greased

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Greetings & Salutations
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. The New Auld Lang Syne (3:35)
2. Younger Lungs (3:12)
3. Goodbye, Mr. Personality (3:29)
4. A Return to Headphones (2:48)
5. Harvey Wallbanger (3:05)
6. Flag Holders Union (2:36)
7. Can't Yell Any Louder (1:40)
8. View From the Middle (2:18)
9. Oldest Trick in the Book (3:09)
10. Done and Dusted (3:12)
11. Finer Points of Forgiveness (2:35)
12. Life Led Out Loud (2:39)
Total Playing Time: 34:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 79,5 MB (83*365*319 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Greetings & Salutations

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Greetings From
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Can't Yell Any Louder (1:41)
2. Goodbye, Mr. Personality (3:29)
3. Harvey Wallbanger (3:06)
4. Oldest Trick In The Book (3:09)
5. Life Led Out Loud (2:39)
Total Playing Time: 14:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 12,9 MB (13*566*763 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Greetings From

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Greetings from Less Than Jake EP
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~247K/s
Track Listing
1. Can't Yell Any Louder (1:41)
2. Goodbye Mr. Personality (3:29)
3. Harvey Wallbanger (3:06)
4. Oldest Trick In the Book (3:09)
5. Life Led Out Loud (2:39)
Total Playing Time: 14:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 25,5 MB (26*714*584 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Greetings f...s Than Jake EP

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Hello Rockview
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~320K/s
Track Listing
1. All My Best Friends Are Metalheads (3:31)
2. Al's War (3:04)
3. Big Crash (2:43)
4. Danny Says (2:51)
5. Five State Drive (2:49)
6. Great American Sharpshooter (1:28)
7. Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding (2:54)
8. History Of A Boring Town (3:22)
9. Last One Out Of Liberty City (2:01)
10. Motto (3:14)
11. Nervous In The Alley (2:54)
12. Richard Allen George...No, It's Just Cheez (1:45)
13. Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin (2:34)
14. Theme Song For H Street (2:44)
Total Playing Time: 38:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 86,8 MB (91*059*330 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Hello Rockview

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Hello Rockview: Live
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Last One Out Of Liberty City (2:25)
2. Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding (2:54)
3. All My Best Friends Are Metalheads (3:43)
4. Five State Drive (3:59)
5. Nervous In The Alley (2:58)
6. Motto (3:36)
7. History Of A Boring Town (5:15)
8. Great American Sharpshooter (1:32)
9. Danny Says (3:36)
10. Big Crash (4:19)
11. Theme Song For H Street (3:50)
12. Richard Allen George...No, It's Just Cheez (1:43)
13. Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin (3:55)
14. Al's War (3:40)
Total Playing Time: 47:30 (min:sec)
Total Size : 110,1 MB (115*440*831 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Hello Rockview: Live

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : In With The Out Crowd
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. A Still Life Franchise (3:28)
2. Don't Fall Asleep On The Subway (3:16)
3. Fall Apart (3:09)
4. Hopeless Case (3:58)
5. In-Dependence Day (2:48)
6. Landmines And Landslides (2:58)
7. Let Her Go (2:23)
8. Mostly Memories (3:13)
9. Overrated (Everything Is) (3:10)
10. P.S. Shock The World (4:06)
11. Soundtrack Of My Life (2:59)
12. The Rest Of My Life (3:33)
Total Playing Time: 39:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 89,6 MB (93*943*114 bytes)
Less Than Jake----In With The Out Crowd

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Against All Authority (Split 7'')
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Out Of The Crowd (Demo) (2:30)
2. Hungry Like The Wolf (Cover) (1:37)
3. Hard As Fuck (2:08)
4. Centerfold (Cover) (1:53)
Total Playing Time: 8:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,8 MB (19*701*093 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Against All...t 7'')

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Kemuri / Less Than Jake Split 7"
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Robo (Live) (1:34)
2. On The Street (3:49)
3. Workin Dayz (3:57)
4. Shotgun (Live) (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 12:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 16,7 MB (17*478*453 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Kemuri / Le... Jake Split 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pung (Split 7")
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Last Train (Live) (2:05)
2. Growing Up On A Couch (Live) (2:46)
3. Little Boy (2:33)
4. Gonorrhea (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 10:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,4 MB (25*595*998 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pung (Split 7")

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Live From Uranus
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Liquor Store (Live) (3:03)
2. Time And A Half On 2nd Avenue And 6th Street (Live) (2:36)
3. Econolodged (Live) (3:09)
4. Just Like Frank (Live) (2:00)
5. Automatic (Live) (2:39)
6. Lockdown (Live) (2:40)
7. Never Going Back To New Jersey (Live) (3:02)
8. How's My Driving, Doug Hastings? (Live) (1:33)
9. Shindo (Live) (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 23:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,9 MB (56*495*945 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Live From Uranus

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Losers, Kings And Things We Don't Understand
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. 24 Hours In Paramus (3:13)
2. 867-5309 (Jenny) (2:14)
3. Awkward Age (2:55)
4. Down In The Mission (2:48)
5. Dukes Of Hazzard (0:41)
6. Econolodged (4:08)
7. Fucked (1:20)
8. Glumble (2:09)
9. Good Time For Change (2:20)
10. Laverne And Shirley (0:52)
11. Lucky Day (2:37)
12. Pez King (2:30)
13. Shotgun (3:37)
14. Soundman - Soundcheck (2:35)
15. St. James Hotel (2:38)
16. This Is Going Nowhere (3:01)
17. Time And A Half (2:01)
18. Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich (2:17)
19. Whipping Boy (3:08)
20. Who Holds The Power Ring (2:13)
21. Wish Pig (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 52:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 120,7 MB (126*532*823 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Losers, Kin...9;t Understand

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Losing streak
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Automatic (2:06)
2. Happyman (1:59)
3. 9th at pine (1:56)
4. Sugar in your gas tank (2:06)
5. Shindo (2:17)
6. 107 (1:59)
7. Johny Quest thinks we're sellouts (2:48)
8. Krazy glue (1:58)
9. Never going back to New Jersey (3:17)
10. How's my driving, doug hastings (1:23)
11. Just like frank (1:50)
12. Ask the magic (2:14)
13. Dopeman (2:06)
14. Jen doesn't like me anymore (2:50)
15. Rock-n-roll pizzeria (1:59)
16. Lockdown (2:32)
Total Playing Time: 35:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 81,3 MB (85*253*800 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Losing streak

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Losing Streak- Live from Jack Rabbits in Jacksonville
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Automatic (2:33)
2. Happyman (2:06)
3. 9th At Pine (2:41)
4. Sugar In Your Gas TAnk (2:20)
5. Shindo (3:22)
6. 107 (2:28)
7. Johnny Quest Think We're Sellouts (4:03)
8. Krazy Glue (1:59)
9. Never Going Back To New Jersey (4:46)
10. How's My Driving, Doug Hastings (2:41)
11. Just Like Frank (2:59)
12. Ask The MAgic 8 Ball (2:17)
13. Dopeman (3:35)
14. Jen Doesn't Like Me Anymore (3:24)
15. Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria (2:50)
16. Lockdown (4:05)
Total Playing Time: 48:16 (min:sec)
Total Size : 110,5 MB (115*916*443 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Losing Stre...n Jacksonville

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Muppets 7"
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Movin' Right Along (1:31)
2. Rainbow Connection (1:55)
3. Life is a Movie (0:23)
4. Mississippi Mud (0:25)
Total Playing Time: 4:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 3,9 MB (4*112*474 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Muppets 7"

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pesto
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Good time for change (2:20)
2. Black coffee on the table (2:48)
3. Process (2:43)
4. Green eyed monster (3:13)
Total Playing Time: 11:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 25,4 MB (26*639*271 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pesto

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pez Collection
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Al's War (3:03)
2. Johnny Quest Thinks We're Sellouts (2:50)
3. My Very Own Flag (2:48)
4. Liquor Store (2:44)
5. Jen Doesn't Like Me Anymore (2:52)
6. Last One Out Of Liberty City (1:58)
7. Son of Dick (1:28)
8. Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich? (2:13)
9. Robo (1:34)
10. Rock-N-Roll Pizzeria (1:54)
11. Whipping Boy (3:04)
12. 867-5309 (Jenny) (2:08)
13. Cheeze (1:18)
14. Automatic (2:03)
15. Growing Up On A Couch (2:31)
16. Just Like Frank (1:51)
17. You're The One That I Want (2:11)
18. We Go Together (1:47)
19. Soundcheck (1:43)
20. Fucked (1:19)
21. Mixology Of Tom Collins (2:06)
22. Modern World (2:03)
23. Short On Ideas (1:43)
24. One Last Cigarette (2:30)
Total Playing Time: 51:51 (min:sec)
Total Size : 119,0 MB (124*777*358 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pez Collection

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pez Kings
Year : 1993
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~295K/s
Track Listing
1. Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich? (2:13)
2. Pez King (2:29)
3. This Is Going Nowhere (2:58)
4. Laverne and Shirley (1:00)
Total Playing Time: 8:42 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,3 MB (19*177*887 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pez Kings

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Pezcore
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Liquor store (2:44)
2. My very own flag (2:47)
3. Johnny Quest thinks we're sellouts (2:56)
4. Big (3:05)
5. Shotgun (2:56)
6. Black coffee (2:25)
7. Throw the brick (2:10)
8. Growing up on a couch (2:31)
9. Blindsided (2:53)
10. Downbeat (2:11)
11. Jen doesn't like me anymore (2:56)
12. Out of the crowd (2:32)
13. Robo (1:35)
14. Where in the hell is Mike Sinkovich (2:13)
15. Process (2:41)
16. 3 quarts drunk (2:07)
17. Boomtown (2:45)
18. Short on ideas (1:47)
19. One last cigarette (4:36)
Total Playing Time: 50:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 114,6 MB (120*151*190 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Pezcore

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria
Year : 1993
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~273K/s
Track Listing
1. Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria (1:53)
2. Son Of Dick (1:26)
Total Playing Time: 3:19 (min:sec)
Total Size : 6,3 MB (6*639*180 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Rock-n-Roll Pizzeria

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Seasons Greetings from Less Than Jake
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. The New Auld Lang Syne (3:34)
2. Younger Lungs (3:11)
3. A Return to Headphones (2:48)
4. Done and Dusted (3:12)
5. Finer Points of Forgiveness (2:35)
Total Playing Time: 15:21 (min:sec)
Total Size : 35,8 MB (37*513*435 bytes)
http://Less Than Jake----Seasons Gre...Less Than Jake

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : See the Light
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Good Enough (2:50)
2. My Money is on the Long Shot (2:55)
3. Jump (3:01)
4. The Loudest Songs (2:28)
5. Do the Math (3:16)
6. Bless the Cracks (3:17)
7. John the Baptist Bones (2:30)
8. American Idle (3:27)
9. The Troubles (2:25)
10. Give Me Something to Believe In, Inc. (2:45)
11. Sunstroke (3:09)
12. A Short History Lesson (1:49)
13. Weekends All Year Long (2:43)
Total Playing Time: 36:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 104,0 MB (109*097*023 bytes)
Less Than Jake----See the Light

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : (Single) - She's Gonna Break S
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~272K/s
Track Listing
1. She's Gonna Break Soon (3:16)
2. The Brightest Bulb Has Burned (2:06)
3. Asaok (2:07)
Total Playing Time: 7:30 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,0 MB (13*656*690 bytes)
Less Than Jake----(Single) - She's Gonna Break S

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Slayer Covers
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 224K/s
Track Listing
1. Antichrist (1:41)
2. Evil Has No Boundaries (2:07)
Total Playing Time: 3:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 6,1 MB (6*407*317 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Slayer Covers

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Smoke Spot-7 Inch Vinyl
Year : 199x
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Glumble (2:05)
2. Lucky Day (2:33)
3. Who holds the Power Ring (2:02)
4. Wish Pig (3:10)
5. Awkward Age (2:46)
Total Playing Time: 12:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 17,4 MB (18*216*832 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Smoke Spot-7 Inch Vinyl

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : TV/EP
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~252K/s
Track Listing
1. Channel 1 (1:11)
2. Channel 2 (0:30)
3. Channel 3 (1:05)
4. Channel 4 (0:22)
5. Channel 5 (0:53)
6. Channel 6 (0:39)
7. Channel 7 (0:32)
8. Channel 8 (0:54)
9. Channel 9 (0:11)
10. Channel 10 (0:42)
11. Channel 11 (0:53)
12. Channel 12 (0:29)
13. Channel 13 (0:45)
14. Channel 14 (0:28)
15. Channel 15 (1:14)
16. Channel 16 (0:33)
Total Playing Time: 11:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 20,2 MB (21*134*666 bytes)
Less Than Jake----TV/EP

Artist : Less Than Jake
Album : Unglued
Year : 1994
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~296K/s
Track Listing
1. Time and a Half (1:58)
2. Black Coffee On The Table (2:25)
3. Econolodged (4:29)
Total Playing Time: 8:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 19,0 MB (19*882*708 bytes)
Less Than Jake----Unglued

Artist : Liberator
Album : Are You Liberated
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. 24 (3:01)
2. Ignorance A Bliss (3:46)
3. Consequence Of You (4:11)
4. Happy Man (3:22)
5. Special Friend (4:31)
6. Won't Go Away (4:18)
7. Working Poor (3:01)
8. Can't Let Go (3:35)
9. You Came Along (3:36)
10. Kamikaze Kid (5:22)
Total Playing Time: 38:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,3 MB (55*936*336 bytes)
Liberator----Are You Liberated

Artist : Liberator
Album : Carefully Blended [EP]
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Girls I've Had (2:55)
2. The End (2:32)
3. Youth Of Today (4:01)
4. Waste Of Time (2:06)
5. The World's Finest War (3:28)
Total Playing Time: 15:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,8 MB (14*508*002 bytes)
Liberator----Carefully Blended [EP]

Artist : Liberator
Album : Freedom Fighters
Year : 1995
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Government Spies (2:40)
2. Natural Component of Tears (2:44)
3. Handyman (1:24)
4. Mob Sez Murder (3:15)
5. Freedom Fighter Dub (3:03)
Total Playing Time: 13:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30,1 MB (31*561*362 bytes)
Liberator----Freedom Fighters

Artist : Liberator
Album : Ring The Alarm
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~203K/s
Track Listing
1. Rudies Don't Change (3:58)
2. Never Never (4:03)
3. Ring The Alarm (3:26)
4. Step By Step (3:33)
5. Super-Juiced (3:29)
Total Playing Time: 18:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 26,5 MB (27*820*309 bytes)
Liberator----Ring The Alarm

Artist : Liberator
Album : Soundchecks 95-00
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Government Spies (2:40)
2. Natural Component Of Tears (2:44)
3. Handyman (1:24)
4. Mob Sez Murder (3:16)
5. Lorraine (2:53)
6. Film Full Of Gore (3:36)
7. Plain Stupidity (3:12)
8. Dr. Johnson (2:56)
9. Girls I've Had (2:55)
10. The End (2:32)
11. Youth Of Today (4:00)
12. Waste Of Time (2:06)
13. The World's Finest War (3:10)
14. Does Your Mother Know? (2:22)
15. Christina (3:00)
16. Good Old Days (2:32)
17. Nervous Breakdown (2:34)
18. Hurts So Good (4:57)
19. Malmoe FF (1:41)
Total Playing Time: 54:36 (min:sec)
Total Size : 51,3 MB (53*758*230 bytes)
Liberator----Soundchecks 95-00

Artist : Liberator
Album : Stand and Deliver
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~319K/s
Track Listing
1. Head full of nothing (3:10)
2. (Don't go) pick a fight (2:33)
3. Playing the game (2:27)
4. Come comalong (3:05)
5. Stand & deliver (3:31)
6. Working week (2:46)
7. The mess I'm in (3:51)
8. Story of you and me (3:28)
9. Cost of loving (3:20)
10. I got a feeling (2:13)
11. Human robot (2:31)
12. Zombies (4:43)
Total Playing Time: 37:43 (min:sec)
Total Size : 86,2 MB (90*373*447 bytes)
Liberator----Stand and Deliver

Artist : Liberator
Album : Tell me tell me
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. tell me tell me (3:05)
2. doctor johnson (2:56)
3. handyman (4:16)
Total Playing Time: 10:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 23,6 MB (24*741*226 bytes)
Liberator----tell me tell me

Artist : Liberator
Album : This Is Liberator
Year : 1996
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Rooster (1:41)
2. A Lifetime of Todays (2:40)
3. Jekylling & Hydeing (2:33)
4. Tell Me Tell Me (3:05)
5. Black Belts in Hate (1:55)
6. Almost a Man (2:56)
7. Ruder Than You (2:46)
8. Kingston Town (2:48)
9. New Girls (2:30)
10. Dummy (2:04)
11. Lazy Bones (4:31)
12. Imaginary Mary (3:00)
13. Flee (2:20)
14. Liberator (1:38)
Total Playing Time: 36:33 (min:sec)
Total Size : 83,7 MB (87*807*336 bytes)
Liberator----This Is Liberator

Artist : Liberator
Album : Too Much of Everything
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Everybody Wants It All (2:56)
2. Better Days (2:58)
3. Boy & Girl Routine (2:38)
4. Once You Start (You Can't Stop) (3:16)
5. Lucky Idiot (2:46)
6. 21st Anniversary (4:16)
7. Rocker's Revolution (3:49)
8. Louder Than Words (2:56)
9. Cutback (Will Hit Back) (3:27)
10. Get Yourself Together (3:26)
11. Love Strikes Rarely (6:10)
Total Playing Time: 38:43 (min:sec)
Total Size : 88,7 MB (92*985*432 bytes)
Liberator----Too Much of Everything

Artist : Liberator
Album : Worldwide Delivery
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Back In Standard Gravity (2:49)
2. Mr. Wright (2:10)
3. Sinking (3:34)
4. Christina (2:54)
5. Wrong Side Of Town (3:34)
6. Kick De Bucket (2:48)
7. Dance If You Want To (4:32)
8. Your Way (1:56)
9. Motor Animal (2:29)
10. Will There Be Someone (5:00)
11. Angel Of Death (4:59)
12. Hot Pot (1:59)
13. Crying (3:09)
14. Thunder And Lightning (5:33)
Total Playing Time: 47:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 108,8 MB (114*123*324 bytes)
Liberator----Worldwide Delivery

Artist : Liga Desorden
Album : Bajo Control
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Bajo control (3:48)
2. Ddia extrano (1:53)
3. Extranos (2:59)
4. Hace cuanto tiempo (3:37)
5. La bruja (3:51)
6. La formula (4:14)
7. Nunca (2:40)
8. Outro (2:24)
9. Ska (2:30)
10. Skafandra (1:59)
11. Soldado (2:03)
12. Tu no entiendes (3:26)
Total Playing Time: 35:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 32,6 MB (34*208*659 bytes)
Liga Desorden----Bajo Control

Artist : Liga Desorden
Album : Sin nada que perder
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Un tiro (instrumental) (2:26)
2. Estos dias (2:49)
3. Otra vez (3:07)
4. Sin tu mirada (3:02)
5. Decir adios (3:07)
6. Una y ya (2:47)
7. 1000N (2:50)
8. Pasa el tiempo (3:00)
9. Devuelveme mi mic mac (2:41)
10. Ska de la rata (2:14)
11. Un impacto (2:36)
12. Nina punk (cover) (2:14)
Total Playing Time: 32:57 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30,3 MB (31*775*331 bytes)
Liga Desorden----Sin nada que perder

Artist : Linea 36
Album : Skasino Global
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. A la diversidad (3:26)
2. Casino Global (3:06)
3. Despierta (3:43)
4. Escarabajo pelotero (3:01)
5. Lenguas suicidas (3:39)
6. Marcas de amor (3:42)
7. Por que te vas (3:52)
8. Razza infame (3:28)
9. Seres irracionales (3:05)
10. Ska a la tierra (4:38)
11. Vot@ inutil (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 39:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 53,6 MB (56*213*688 bytes)
Linea 36----Skasino Global

Artist : Lisabi
Album : Au Diable Les Bananes
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Thank You All (2:19)
2. Quit Your Life (2:34)
3. Fred Phelps: American Terrorist (0:42)
4. Share (3:19)
5. Do Maior (2:25)
6. Language Itself is Profane (4:32)
7. Ambiencia (5:53)
8. Zelda (4:43)
9. Satyagrahi (8:30)
Total Playing Time: 35:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 82,5 MB (86*471*812 bytes)
Lisabi----Au Diable Les Bananes

Artist : Liska!
Album : Sonhos de Raiva
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Vida (4:58)
2. Ela (2:19)
3. Irmao (3:18)
4. Clandestino (4:12)
5. Luita! (3:26)
6. O emigrante (3:34)
7. Povo queimado (4:33)
8. A quimera (3:07)
9. Sonhos de raiva (3:39)
10. A palavra da terra (4:23)
11. Trabalhador galego (2:50)
Total Playing Time: 40:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 98,6 MB (103*427*923 bytes)
Liska!----Sonhos de Raiva

Artist : Litrona
Album : Maqueta
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~215K/s
Track Listing
1. Hijos de puta (2:53)
2. Tia Lluisa (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 6:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 8,5 MB (8*893*392 bytes)

Artist : Llama Tsunami and the Without Helmet
Album : Get Serious
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Beach Tourist Song (3:04)
2. Bite My Thumb (5:29)
3. Emo Kid (4:42)
4. Ernest (2:15)
5. Follow the Bouncing Ball (2:42)
6. Get Serious (2:58)
7. Here There Be Pirates (3:30)
8. Punch You in the Face (2:21)
9. Rock Hard Abs (3:19)
10. Swing (2:42)
11. Unraveling (3:24)
12. When It's Over (2:58)
Total Playing Time: 39:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 36,2 MB (37*966*257 bytes)
http://Llama Tsunami and the Without...---Get Serious

Artist : Loaded
Album : Bloodshot Forget-Me-Nots
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~273K/s
Track Listing
1. Bring Out Your Dead (2:45)
2. Welcome To Calgary Manor (2:50)
3. The Boots Goes In (2:37)
4. Ghosts & Gehttos (2:59)
5. Proper Villains (2:11)
6. Liberation Detonation (2:52)
7. Rebel Romance (3:07)
8. Tell Ramirez, Ramirez Is Dead (2:22)
9. The Lesser Saints (3:10)
10. It Rains, It Pours, It All Goes To Hell (2:25)
11. Sons Of Lee Marvin (2:37)
12. 68 Guns (2:44)
13. Standing On The Edge Of The Western World (3:23)
Total Playing Time: 36:07 (min:sec)
Total Size : 68,8 MB (72*168*157 bytes)
Loaded----Bloodshot Forget-Me-Nots

Artist : Loaded
Album : Fearless Street
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Somebody Got Dead (3:03)
2. Stick A Needle In Your Eyes (1:11)
3. Potholes (2:30)
4. Radio Corazon (4:01)
5. Life By Roulette (2:21)
6. Gunshot (1:59)
7. A Life At Sea (2:23)
8. Vivian Oblivion (2:42)
9. The Road Goes On Forever (2:31)
10. Let The Bastards Fall (2:54)
11. Disco Casualty (2:29)
12. Skeletion Crew (3:26)
13. Rock'n'Roll, Part 3 (3:02)
14. F.S.S.I.T.W. (0:04)
Total Playing Time: 34:42 (min:sec)
Total Size : 47,7 MB (50*055*980 bytes)
Loaded----Fearless Street

Artist : Loaded
Album : Hold Fast
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~221K/s
Track Listing
1. This Poison Moon (2:50)
2. Bright Lights, Big Shitty (1:58)
3. Tonight We Ride (2:51)
4. All I Need (3:08)
5. The Revolution Comtes To Main Street (4:35)
6. Hit Potential (2:21)
7. The Ruthless Golf Of The Gingo (4:01)
8. Jackie Cola, Rock'n'Rolla (1:53)
9. Love Will Stand (3:47)
10. Rum And Rebellion (2:18)
11. Black Rose (4:12)
12. Got Fucked Up (2:39)
13. Trouble Boys (3:15)
Total Playing Time: 39:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 66,3 MB (69*536*322 bytes)
Loaded----Hold Fast

Artist : Loaded
Album : More Midnights Than Mornings
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Ska City Rockers (3:47)
2. What Were You Thinking (3:14)
3. Ten Beers Later (4:20)
4. Colt Seavers: Bounty Hunter (5:54)
5. Ooh la la, Conquistador (4:20)
6. Last Call (3:37)
7. Enchanted Farmyard Dub (2:19)
8. Colonel Sun (6:40)
9. Insomnia (4:38)
10. Colt Seavers Meets The Leprechaun (2:54)
11. Bring It Back (6:26)
12. Spirit Of '69 (3:14)
13. Domino (2:43)
14. ... (1:01)
Total Playing Time: 55:13 (min:sec)
Total Size : 75,9 MB (79*581*036 bytes)
Loaded----More Midnights Than Mornings

Artist : Loaded
Album : Proper Villains
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Ghosts & Ghettos (3:01)
2. Liberation Detonation (2:54)
3. Mannheim Riot Squad (2:30)
Total Playing Time: 8:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 11,6 MB (12*171*514 bytes)
Loaded----Proper Villains

Artist : Loaded
Album : Turn Your Head And Cough
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Let's Get It On (3:28)
2. Love Affair With Everyday Livin' (3:00)
3. Top O' The Mornin', Ma (3:07)
4. Fast Train (3:39)
5. Sensitive Guy (3:50)
6. Don't Believe What They Say (4:22)
7. Team BBQ (2:49)
8. Even Though (3:40)
9. Pity Party (2:04)
10. Set Us Free (4:12)
11. Angry Young Man (3:45)
12. Beer Ballad (4:28)
13. Gator Bait (3:56)
14. Don't Step To The Kid (3:05)
15. Golden Girls (4:09)
16. ... (1:57)
17. ... (0:49)
Total Playing Time: 56:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 77,6 MB (81*386*738 bytes)
Loaded----Turn Your Head And Cough

Artist : Lonas Blancas
Album : Demo
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 80K/s
Track Listing
1. An Old Friend (2:08)
2. Ciudad Grito (3:13)
3. Ella Canto (Finire Cor) (3:04)
4. Perdidas, Carencias y Excesos (3:02)
5. Serendipias (3:08)
6. Tu Luz (3:02)
Total Playing Time: 17:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 10,1 MB (10*624*006 bytes)
Lonas Blancas----Demo (2009)

Artist : L'ondes
Album : CINESI
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~212K/s
Track Listing
1. Tre sorelle (2:41)
2. Birra yo te quiero (2:09)
3. Scioglie (per il mio bene) (3:51)
4. Soldi non ne ho (2:26)
5. Piccolo amore (3:36)
6. Uno come te (2:59)
7. Quel giorno nuovo (3:03)
8. Serenit?a (2:34)
9. Ricordati di urlare (3:31)
Total Playing Time: 26:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 39,6 MB (41*477*648 bytes)

Artist : L'ondes
Album : Tot i de
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~158K/s
Track Listing
1. Le parole per farla piangere (2:16)
2. Antimilitarista (shocked guys) (2:01)
3. Cade (2:01)
4. L'ordine del giorno (1:52)
5. Coppa samurai (1:25)
Total Playing Time: 9:37 (min:sec)
Total Size : 11,6 MB (12*136*224 bytes)
L'ondes----Tot i de

Artist : Long Shot Hero
Album : Funsized Demo EP
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Go (2:24)
2. Back To No One (3:55)
3. All We Wanna Be (3:37)
4. Getting Over It (4:30)
Total Playing Time: 14:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,2 MB (13*892*341 bytes)
Long Shot Hero----Funsized Demo EP

Artist : Long Shot Hero
Album : Regrets No More
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. EYF (3:20)
2. Fate (3:36)
3. Modern American Poetry (3:18)
4. Board Shorts Girl (3:16)
5. Attached (2:46)
6. 109 Miles To Tamaqua (3:13)
7. Showtime (4:47)
8. Final Exam (3:57)
9. Supotco (3:38)
10. Wasted On Arrival (2:57)
Total Playing Time: 34:51 (min:sec)
Total Size : 39,9 MB (41*878*385 bytes)
Long Shot Hero----Regrets No More

Artist : Look Out Below
Album : Anchor! EP
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. New Song (2:53)
2. Consumer (2:51)
3. Meaninglessness (2:25)
4. Anne Frank (2:52)
5. The Corrupt Crusades (4:02)
Total Playing Time: 15:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,8 MB (14*502*986 bytes)
Look Out Below----Anchor! EP

Artist : Los Capitanes
Album : No Fun Intended
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Superfish (2:51)
2. Big Boys Don't Cry (3:25)
3. Don't Mean Jack (3:39)
4. OK Not Good (3:41)
5. Scene Queen (3:57)
6. The Magic Song (3:40)
7. Feelin Seedy (2:51)
8. Requiem Para Un Sueno (2:44)
9. Going Abroad (4:05)
10. The Good Thing About Having No Friends (3:19)
11. Want What (4:36)
12. Surfin ACT (5:44)
Total Playing Time: 44:37 (min:sec)
Total Size : 61,4 MB (64*430*086 bytes)
Los Capitanes----No Fun Intended

Artist : Los Capitanes
Album : Rest For The Wicked
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~235K/s
Track Listing
1. Girls Girls Girls (4:46)
2. You (Feat. Me) (3:55)
3. Linda Lee (4:21)
4. Ode To Explode To (6:13)
5. Kind Folk (7:09)
6. The Factory (4:03)
7. Hangin With Mr Cooper (3:38)
8. Smoke Signals (6:55)
9. Nanna And Pop Song (4:04)
10. An Exercise In Lyrical Ambiguity (4:49)
11. The Impartial Re-Telling Of A Fictionalised Hypothetical (3:15)
12. Friends In High Places (3:47)
13. Note To Self (8:35)
14. Neville's Advocate (2:19)
Total Playing Time: 67:52 (min:sec)
Total Size : 103,9 MB (108*897*888 bytes)
Los Capitanes----Rest For The Wicked

Artist : Los Chales De La Tia
Album : Demo
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. La Tia Ska (5:14)
2. 19, 20-85 (4:29)
3. Maldita Inseguridad (4:39)
4. Caceria Asesina (4:41)
5. Suenos (4:13)
6. Por Falta De Amor (5:13)
7. Suenos (En Vivo) (4:24)
Total Playing Time: 32:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30,5 MB (31*969*423 bytes)
Los Chales De La Tia----Demo

Artist : Los Chimpmunkes De Tijuana
Album : Compton Ska-Punk EP
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:15)
2. Vandalism (3:56)
3. Nunca Mas (2:28)
4. Public Disturbance (3:15)
5. Luz De Mi Obscuridad (4:13)
Total Playing Time: 15:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 34,7 MB (36*415*798 bytes)
http://Los Chimpmunkes De Tijuana---...on Ska-Punk EP

Artist : Los Chimpmunkes de Tijuana
Album : Sonidos De Sufrimiento EP
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Sonidos De Sufrimiento (4:14)
2. Sentimientos Perdidos (4:39)
Total Playing Time: 8:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 10,3 MB (10*839*448 bytes)
http://Los Chimpmunkes de Tijuana---...Sufrimiento EP

Artist : Los Enfadosos
Album : Los Enfadosos EP
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Telesapiens (3:10)
2. Crimen Sagrado (3:09)
3. No Control (2:53)
4. No Callaremos (2:41)
5. Fiesta Salvaje (3:00)
6. Odio Y Muerte (2:36)
7. Falacia (4:21)
Total Playing Time: 21:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 20,3 MB (21*298*969 bytes)
Los Enfadosos----Los Enfadosos EP

Artist : Los Eskapados del Manicomio
Album : #2
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. HP 2 (0:05)
2. Arabic vibration (4:11)
3. Asilatassuma (5:32)
4. Nawe (0:48)
5. Reset (0:03)
6. L instinct du pire (3:13)
7. Destinee (6:59)
8. Pogo down bbylon (4:07)
9. Flying Spirit (4:14)
10. T-killa (3:11)
11. La patry des porcs (2:04)
12. Dans les dents (0:29)
13. Poils de decadence (3:51)
14. Da robotick system (3:42)
15. Chicanos troubles (4:58)
Total Playing Time: 47:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 43,6 MB (45*761*780 bytes)
Los Eskapados del Manicomio----#2

Artist : Los Estramboticos
Album : Aqui Y Ahora
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Lucha y Resiste (3:38)
2. Con Alguien Mejor (4:01)
3. Bailando Solo (3:35)
4. No Te Quise Lastimar (3:15)
5. Te Perdi Sin Darme Cuenta (3:34)
6. El Final (4:15)
7. Cada Manana (3:49)
8. No Necesitas a Nadie (3:27)
9. Imaginar (3:18)
10. Pude Amarte (4:14)
11. Tan Cerca y Tan Lejos (4:46)
12. Amores y Milagros (3:18)
Total Playing Time: 45:15 (min:sec)
Total Size : 42,4 MB (44*462*442 bytes)
Los Estramboticos----Aqui Y Ahora

Artist : Los Estramboticos
Album : Lagrimas y Risas
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Ciegos de Amor (3:53)
2. De Amor Nadie se Muere (4:23)
3. Dejar Atras (4:02)
4. Ese Baboso (4:04)
5. Gracias (4:06)
6. Ladron Que Roba A Ladron Que Roba A Ladron (2:51)
7. Mi Propio Cuento (3:23)
8. Mis amigos (3:52)
9. Oir Tu Voz (3:30)
10. Solo en la Ciudad (4:10)
11. Todos Somos Estrambos (4:15)
12. Tu (5:06)
Total Playing Time: 47:42 (min:sec)
Total Size : 65,6 MB (68*753*143 bytes)
Los Estramboticos----Lagrimas y Risas

Artist : Los Estramboticos
Album : Piel de Banqueta
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Espergencia ( 2:35)
2. Camino a ninguna parte ( 4:01)
3. A chuchita la bolsearon ( 2:18)
4. Fulano de tal ( 2:55)
5. Peter punk ( 2:25)
6. Ya no voy a fiestas por que acabo bailando solo ( 3:15)
7. Me enamore en la cola de las tortillas ( 3:01)
8. El monstruo del escusado ( 2:59)
9. El gran infierno ( 3:25)
10. Fantasmas ( 3:19)
11. Diciembre (15:38)
Total Playing Time: 45:57 (min:sec)
Total Size : 52,8 MB (55*404*581 bytes)
Los Estramboticos----Piel de Banqueta

Artist : Los Estramboticos
Album : Puro Macanazo
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. Barata y desconton (3:23)
2. El diario de un borracho - El solitario (5:42)
3. El Orangutan (3:02)
4. En el recuento de los danos (4:36)
5. En un bosque de la China (3:37)
6. Mounstrilio (Munsters Theme) (3:12)
7. Nosotros somos los marranos (4:11)
8. Perdido (3:51)
9. Que nadie sepa mi sufrir (4:13)
10. Sabado Distrito Federal (4:06)
11. Ven, devorame otra vez (4:03)
Total Playing Time: 44:00 (min:sec)
Total Size : 50,6 MB (53*020*765 bytes)
Los Estramboticos----Puro Macanazo

Artist : Los Gargas
Album : La Lucha Sigue
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Rojo Ska (1:42)
2. Apaga la Tele (2:52)
3. El Pueblo Unido (3:13)
4. Nada los va a Parar (2:54)
5. Heridas en la Memoria (3:02)
6. La Lucha Sigue (2:57)
Total Playing Time: 16:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 15,3 MB (16*049*403 bytes)
Los Gargas----La Lucha Sigue
Artist : Los Gargas
Album : Le Pese a Quien Le Pese
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Gargaska (2:08)
2. Fiesta Brava (2:47)
3. Perro Policia (3:00)
4. El Menu del Marques (2:32)
5. Igual a Dios (2:13)
6. Delincuencia (2:55)
7. Esto Si (2:40)
8. Parasitos (2:55)
9. Basta (2:40)
10. Fieska (2:30)
Total Playing Time: 26:24 (min:sec)
Total Size : 25,4 MB (26*628*184 bytes)
Los Gargas----Le Pese a Quien Le Pese

Artist : Los Gargas
Album : Mundo Enfermo
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~253K/s
Track Listing
1. Antimilitar (3:00)
2. Bailando Ska (2:32)
3. Basta (2:41)
4. C.O.C.E (Cover Jose de Molina) (2:10)
5. Come Mierda (Cover La Polla) (2:12)
6. Cuanta Falsedad (2:12)
7. Cuidado (Cover Eskorbuto) (2:50)
8. Delincuencia (2:55)
9. Desinformacion (2:22)
10. Dios Dinero (3:11)
11. El Menu del Marques (Cover Jose de Molina) (2:32)
12. Enajenacion (2:46)
13. Esto Si Es Democracia (2:40)
14. Estoy Loco (2:50)
15. Fieska (2:30)
16. Fiesta Brava (2:48)
17. Gargaska (2:08)
18. Harto (2:24)
19. Historia Triste (Cover Eskorbuto) (2:27)
20. Igual a Dios (2:13)
21. Mis Rinones (Cover La Polla) (2:46)
22. Mujer (2:09)
23. Mundo Enfermo (2:17)
24. Ni Un Paso Atras (2:08)
25. No Vamos a Callar (2:41)
26. Parasitos (2:56)
27. Perro Policia (3:01)
28. Que Bonita Libertad (2:56)
29. Sexo (1:54)
30. Todo Para Todos (2:51)
Total Playing Time: 77:17 (min:sec)
Total Size : 139,2 MB (146*004*159 bytes)
Los Gargas----Mundo Enfermo

Artist : Los Gargas
Album : Que Bonita Libertad
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Ni un Paso Atras (2:07)
2. Antimilitar (1:50)
3. Bailando Ska (2:31)
4. Que se Siente? (2:27)
5. Cuanta Falsedad (2:12)
6. Que Bonita Libertad (2:02)
7. Mis Rinones (2:45)
8. Harto (2:18)
9. Mundo Enfermo (2:16)
10. Sexo (1:53)
11. Dios Dinero (3:11)
12. Desinformacion (2:22)
13. Mujer (2:09)
14. Enajenacion (2:45)
15. Esta Iglesia (2:08)
16. Antimilitar (Version 2007) (2:59)
17. Que Bonita Libertad (Version 2007) (2:02)
18. Harto (Version 2007) (2:24)
19. Que Bonita Libertad (Version Ska) (2:56)
Total Playing Time: 45:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 42,0 MB (44*050*406 bytes)
Los Gargas----Que Bonita Libertad

Artist : Los Kaites
Album : Pa'todos hay Patadas
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. El Baul de los Olvidados (4:04)
2. Hermanos del Tiempo (2:59)
3. Intro (1:55)
4. Orgullo Rude (3:23)
5. Pal Pueblo (4:20)
6. Quiero Libertad (3:11)
7. Uno Para Todos y Todos Para Uno (3:53)
Total Playing Time: 23:49 (min:sec)
Total Size : 22,1 MB (23*221*750 bytes)
Los Kaites----Pa'todos hay Patadas

Artist : Los Locos de Damiana
Album : Demo Los Locos de Damiana
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~216K/s
Track Listing
1. 07 Pista 07 (3:18)
2. Corazon Gigante (2:29)
3. Cumbia (3:53)
4. Makario (3:31)
5. Nytol (2:26)
6. Rock and Ron (3:34)
7. Wizapol (2:53)
Total Playing Time: 22:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 34,4 MB (36*116*539 bytes)
http://Los Locos de Damiana----Demo ...cos de Damiana

Artist : Los Nadie Crew
Album : Revolucion
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Sin rostro (2:49)
2. Working class (4:14)
3. Mar de flores (3:08)
4. Sangre negra (2:07)
5. La nueva union ft elfego rude boys (3:38)
6. Viaje maya (2:46)
7. Circo de locura ft Lolo samo (2:14)
8. Que le vaya bien ft raziel exilios (4:55)
9. terrorista (3:18)
10. orden y progreso ft lolo samo (2:47)
11. mas aya del cielo (4:19)
Total Playing Time: 36:22 (min:sec)
Total Size : 83,3 MB (87*341*568 bytes)
Los Nadie Crew----Revolucion

Artist : Los Nuevos Mutantes
Album : Bomba
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:38)
2. Aerodynamik (2:24)
3. Soldner der Phantasie (4:08)
4. Fahre (3:17)
5. Wintersonnenwende (3:04)
6. Ohne Milch (4:12)
7. Laken (3:04)
8. Besserwisser (1:37)
9. Was geht? (2:25)
10. Wertvoll (4:51)
11. Frohe Kunde (4:51)
12. Theater (3:23)
13. Russian Roulette (1:44)
14. Spasz (4:03)
15. Neulich (3:59)
Total Playing Time: 48:47 (min:sec)
Total Size : 106,2 MB (111*404*949 bytes)
Los Nuevos Mutantes----Bomba

Artist : Los Padrinos
Album : Los Padrinos
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s
Track Listing
1. Muy Antipatico (3:35)
2. Desorden (2:31)
3. Mil Noches (2:06)
4. Huellas (3:19)
5. Especialmente (3:19)
6. El Tiempo (3:38)
7. Mirarnos (2:48)
8. No Esperes (2:37)
9. Derechos (2:12)
10. Liberarse de Mi (3:18)
11. Esperando (4:30)
12. Te Necesito (2:59)
13. Sin Pensar (2:49)
Total Playing Time: 39:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 72,9 MB (76*424*847 bytes)
Los Padrinos----Los Padrinos

Artist : Los Rabanes
Album : All Star Vol. II
Year : 1997
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Se MuriN? Manuela ( 2:04)
2. Oh! Mi Raquel ( 2:52)
3. Rub-A-Dub Style ( 2:01)
4. De Colores ( 2:14)
5. Reggae Punk Panama ( 2:58)
6. Tu Me Disparas Balas ( 4:16)
7. Agonia Por Los 60's ( 2:04)
8. Muero En El Alcohol ( 3:04)
9. Siempre Te LLevo En Mi Rinon ( 1:55)
10. Tu Me Desesperas ( 3:48)
11. Colonia Americana No ( 1:42)
12. Gafas De Sol ( 4:40)
13. Leticia ( 1:51)
14. Revolution All Star (11:32)
Total Playing Time: 47:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 64,8 MB (67*950*541 bytes)
Los Rabanes----All Star Vol. II

Artist : Los Rabanes
Album : Demons On Fire
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Cada Quien Por Su Lado (4:02)
2. Chicha Fuerte (3:03)
3. Chikas (2:19)
4. Crazy Girla (3:17)
5. Danger Boogaloo (3:13)
6. Kill The President (3:13)
7. La Solucion (3:39)
8. Mama Me La (3:58)
9. My Baby Girl (3:35)
10. Que Vaina (3:42)
11. Te Odio Mas Que Ayer (4:02)
12. VIP (2:16)
Total Playing Time: 40:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 92,6 MB (97*061*256 bytes)
Los Rabanes----Demons On Fire

Artist : Los Rabanes
Album : Ecolecua
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~215K/s
Track Listing
1. Ecolecua (3:32)
2. La Pastilla Del Amor (3:43)
3. Rockton (3:22)
4. No Seas Tan Cruel (3:59)
5. Tu Chance (3:11)
6. Raices (4:16)
7. Que Me Quieras Tu (2:39)
8. Otra Noche Mas (3:42)
9. El Sinverguenza (3:20)
10. Ya No Es Lunes, Hoy Es Martes (3:36)
11. El Tequila (2:37)
12. Panama (3:04)
Total Playing Time: 41:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 66,3 MB (69*569*453 bytes)
Los Rabanes----Ecolecua

Artist : Los Rabanes
Album : Kamikaze
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Ella Se Nueve Cruel (2:39)
2. Te Jodiste (2:47)
3. Vida (2:23)
4. Electric Avenue (2:45)
5. Ganja (3:04)
6. Ana (2:43)
7. Asi Es (2:52)
8. Sexy Time (2:47)
9. Bala (3:00)
10. Muero En El Alcohol (2:49)
11. Apreton (3:09)
12. Tiempos De Rock & Roll (3:46)
13. Dr. Muerte (1:04)
Total Playing Time: 35:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 49,4 MB (51*779*993 bytes)
Los Rabanes----Kamikaze

Artist : Los Rabanes
Album : Money Pa' Que
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Money (3:14)
2. Bam Bam (3:53)
3. Carta De Amor (3:01)
4. Tus Caprichos (4:03)
5. Acetona (3:21)
6. Everybody (3:57)
7. DJ (3:27)
8. Love In New Orleans (4:02)
9. Mambo (3:21)
10. La Raza (3:03)
11. El Queso (3:27)
12. Thank Yous (9:33)
13. Everybody [Trash Mix] (3:32)
14. Everybody [Pablo Flores Radio Edit] (3:47)
15. Senorita Me Gusta Su Style (3:26)
Total Playing Time: 59:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 81,5 MB (85*444*564 bytes)
Los Rabanes----Money Pa' Que

Artist : Los Rabanes
Album : Por Que Te Fuiste Benito
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Ahi Estas Tu (3:33)
2. Clemente Maria (2:31)
3. El Diablo y Yo (2:45)
4. El Retrato (2:57)
5. En el Cuarto de Luis (2:45)
6. Juan Aparto la Relgion (2:02)
7. Por Que Te Fuiste Benito (3:37)
8. Sera Mejor Asi (2:39)
9. Un Suicidio en Nuevo York (3:29)
10. Yo No Mate a Margarita (4:38)
Total Playing Time: 30:59 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,5 MB (29*934*799 bytes)
Los Rabanes----Por Que Te Fuiste Benito

Artist : Los Rabanes
Album : Rabanes
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. My Commanding Wife (Spanish) (3:06)
2. SeN?orita A Mi Me Gusta Su Style (3:27)
3. Perfidia (3:08)
4. I Shot The Law (4:05)
5. Angelito Porno Star (2:57)
6. Hotel Putas Beach (2:23)
7. Tengo Un Mal Presentimiento (2:12)
8. Again Again (2:27)
9. Welcome To The Squizophrenia (2:57)
10. No Hay Manera (3:11)
11. My Commanding Wife (English) (3:04)
Total Playing Time: 33:03 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30,3 MB (31*789*549 bytes)
Los Rabanes----Rabanes

Artist : Los Revienta
Album : Sin Salir Del Frenoptico
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~169K/s
Track Listing
1. Buskando A Dante (2:39)
2. Cancion Moderna (3:14)
3. Dante En El Cielo (2:37)
4. Far West (3:52)
5. Frenopatico Local (1:22)
6. Geografia (2:07)
7. Intro Experimental (2:02)
8. Joven Sideral (2:12)
9. la Musica De Moda (2:19)
10. La Secta De Los Filisteos (2:52)
11. Lolos Bar (1:24)
12. Marina Dor Higuera (1:14)
13. No Me Pienso Callar (2:05)
14. Pijoflauta (2:51)
15. Por El Badoo (2:25)
16. Que Les Den (2:16)
17. Suceso Demencial (2:25)
18. Vertedero (1:45)
Total Playing Time: 41:48 (min:sec)
Total Size : 50,8 MB (53*230*571 bytes)
Los Revienta----Sin Salir Del Frenoptico

Artist : Los Rifers
Album : Los Rifers EP
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Arriba en el mar (2:29)
2. Cuentame (3:14)
3. Degenerado (2:32)
4. Garrapatas (3:16)
5. Humo (3:06)
6. Olga (3:07)
7. Payaso de rodeo (3:09)
8. Por Mandril (3:58)
9. Que Me Entierren Con Ska (2:36)
10. Rifiesta (2:43)
11. Ruleta Rusa (2:41)
12. Yo estoy bien (2:37)
13. Yo me voy a la feria (2:27)
Total Playing Time: 38:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 34,9 MB (36*578*258 bytes)
Los Rifers----Los Rifers EP

Artist : Los Supersonicos
Album : Alegres y Rebeldes!!
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Sonicos(Intro) (2:41)
2. Alegres y Rebeldes (3:10)
3. No Quiero Saber De Ti (3:08)
4. Grito Popular (3:00)
5. No Mas!! (3:58)
6. Ni Patrias Ni Banderas (3:08)
7. Plegaria (3:07)
8. Realidad (5:02)
9. Mierda De Ciudad (3:29)
10. Pensamiento Obrero (2:09)
11. L.I.D.E.N. (3:17)
12. Cancion Visual (3:42)
13. Outro (1:44)
Total Playing Time: 41:40 (min:sec)
Total Size : 38,2 MB (40*068*564 bytes)
Los Supersonicos----Alegres y Rebeldes!!

Artist : Los the Santa
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. La del rumor (2:38)
2. Nuevo Orden Mundial (2:53)
3. Volver a comenzar (2:50)
4. los the santa (2:57)
5. Viejos Tiempos (3:22)
Total Playing Time: 14:42 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,3 MB (19*150*221 bytes)

Artist : Los Tres Puntos
Album : ! Si Oh !
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. ! Si Oh ! (2:23)
2. Area (3:59)
3. Ciudad Blanca (2:26)
4. Delirio (1:50)
5. Feurm Ton Bush (1:40)
6. Guapa (2:32)
7. Je Depense Donc Je Suis (4:34)
8. La Bataille (2:39)
9. Le Temps Passe (3:50)
10. Marche Ou Creve (4:23)
11. Ninos De La Calle (3:37)
12. Rambo Show (3:42)
13. Tranquilo Dub (8:28)
14. Tranquilo (5:00)
15. Urgence (5:25)
Total Playing Time: 56:36 (min:sec)
Total Size : 69,5 MB (72*834*395 bytes)
Los Tres Puntos----! Si Oh !

Artist : Los Tres Puntos
Album : 10 Ans Ferme
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~218K/s
Track Listing
1. C'est L'euphorie (13:12)
2. Es Una Pesadilla ( 4:14)
3. Fire Lips ( 4:01)
4. La Chaleur De Vos Voix ( 2:48)
5. Le Maquis ( 2:46)
6. Les Pieds Dans Le Beton ( 2:48)
7. Les Requins Marteaux ( 3:33)
8. Metro Boulot Dodo ( 2:47)
9. Mi Desierto ( 2:46)
10. Perpetua ( 2:10)
11. Por Dios No Lo Hagas ( 4:16)
12. Sur Les Sentiers De La Qloire ( 1:59)
13. The Rest Of The Warrior ( 2:49)
14. Vampiro ( 3:03)
Total Playing Time: 53:18 (min:sec)
Total Size : 79,3 MB (83*137*605 bytes)
Los Tres Puntos----10 Ans Ferme

Artist : Los Tres Puntos
Album : Aficionados
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 128K/s
Track Listing
1. Aficionados (3:01)
2. Alta Mar (4:55)
3. Are You Ready (4:43)
4. Devorador (4:46)
5. El Gringo (2:16)
6. Estrella De Muerte (5:10)
7. Gregarite (3:31)
8. Karnalito (4:07)
9. Les Manchots Du Social (3:28)
10. Les Vaches Et Le Prisonnier (3:40)
11. Nostalgia (3:53)
12. Pas L'armee (3:10)
13. Putas Ferias (3:38)
14. Stella Di Morte (5:13)
15. Terre De Liberte (3:33)
Total Playing Time: 59:12 (min:sec)
Total Size : 54,3 MB (56*907*377 bytes)
Los Tres Puntos----Aficionados

Artist : Bizness
Album : Ska Two Ska (split)
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~64K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:36)
2. Viva Espana (3:07)
3. A fond (2:17)
4. Sociedad (3:25)
5. Hawai (2:24)
6. Manuel (2:30)
7. Le routier (2:43)
8. Vida facil (4:23)
9. Fire lips (2:49)
10. Histoire vraie (3:12)
11. El viento (3:42)
12. Les vaches et le prisonnier (3:45)
13. Skamania (3:25)
14. Les Ricains (2:33)
15. Skanimo (2:12)
16. Rudy Jack (2:44)
17. Les capotes (3:15)
18. Tout petit ! (2:08)
19. Nutty nutty (2:34)
20. Pamella (1:56)
21. Scooters (3:27)
22. Rudy Boy Concerto (2:34)
23. Skazophrenia (2:40)
24. Bizness (3:09)
25. Radio Ska (2:44)
26. Quel pied ! (2:23)
27. Gigolo (2:42)
Total Playing Time: 76:32 (min:sec)
Total Size : 65,5 MB (68*730*793 bytes)
Bizness----Ska Two Ska (split)

Artist : Los Tres Puntos
Album : Contre Vents et Marees
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Bolivar (2:32)
2. La Realite (2:31)
3. Rendez-vous de l'ecume (3:48)
4. Sin Vuelta (2:48)
5. Capture d'ecran (3:55)
Total Playing Time: 15:37 (min:sec)
Total Size : 36,9 MB (38*679*502 bytes)
Los Tres Puntos----Contre Vents et Marees

Artist : Los Tres Puntos
Album : Hasta La Muerte
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~251K/s
Track Listing
1. Hasta La Muerte (2:29)
2. Ca Sent L'Sapin (4:57)
3. Tanta Agonia (2:50)
4. Totem (2:57)
5. Lucha (6:19)
6. En Mouvement (3:28)
7. Asi Es La Vida (3:10)
8. Macadam Pigeon (3:31)
9. Jusqu'A Quand (2:39)
10. Passions Mortes (3:53)
11. Anonimo (3:25)
12. Marche (3:57)
Total Playing Time: 43:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 79,6 MB (83*480*456 bytes)
Los Tres Puntos----Hasta La Muerte

Artist : Los Tres Puntos
Album : Live (DVD Audio)
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Aficionados (2:47)
2. Area (3:53)
3. Ciudad Bianca (2:30)
4. El Gringo (2:48)
5. Feurm Ton Bush (1:40)
6. Fire Lips (3:55)
7. Guapa (2:24)
8. Karnalito (3:07)
9. La Bataille (2:29)
10. La Chaleur De Vos Voix (2:54)
11. Le Temps Passe (3:52)
12. Les Pieds Dans Le Beton (2:42)
13. Metro. Boulot. Dodo (2:32)
14. Mi Desierto (2:33)
15. Pas L'Armee (2:50)
16. Perpetua (2:36)
17. Rambo Show (3:42)
18. Sur Les Sentiers De La Gloire (1:55)
Total Playing Time: 51:17 (min:sec)
Total Size : 120,5 MB (126*363*380 bytes)
Los Tres Puntos----Live (DVD Audio)

Artist : Los Tres Puntos Bizness
Album : Ska Two Ska
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 160K/s
Track Listing
1. A Fond (2:17)
2. El viento (3:42)
3. Fire Lips (2:49)
4. Hawai (2:24)
5. Histoire Vraie (3:13)
6. Intro (1:32)
7. Les vaches et le prisonnier (3:45)
8. Manuel (2:30)
9. Sociedad (3:25)
10. Vida Facil (4:23)
11. Viva Espana (3:07)
Total Playing Time: 33:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 38,0 MB (39*884*761 bytes)
Los Tres Puntos Bizness----Ska Two Ska

Artist : Los Tres Puntos
Album : Skarface & Los Tres Puntos - Panic en France - Volume 3
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Born To Be Skin (2:30)
2. Clockwork Hero (2:47)
3. El Gringo (3:28)
4. Terre de liberte (2:09)
Total Playing Time: 10:55 (min:sec)
Total Size : 15,7 MB (16*467*072 bytes)
http://Skarface & Los Tres Puntos---...e 3 (split EP)

Artist : Lost Head
Album : Algo Hay
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. ALGO HAY... (2:59)
2. MORIR DE AMOR (3:45)
6. PARANOIA (3:39)
8. CABEZA! PERDIDA!! (3:49)
9. OLVIDAR (3:11)
Total Playing Time: 29:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 70,3 MB (73*680*036 bytes)
Lost Head----Algo Hay

Artist : Loui Vetta
Album : Postreggaeprecore
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~209K/s
Track Listing
1. Welcome to the Show (4:07)
2. They Can't Bring Us Down (3:18)
3. Ain't No Hollywood Happy End (3:57)
4. The Bad Guys Are Back in Town (3:08)
5. You Make Me Wanna Sing Along (4:19)
6. We've Been to Hell (2:57)
7. Funk with A Capitol F (3:06)
8. Social Freakshow (3:08)
9. Fuck You. Eat Shit. (3:40)
10. Zombies! (3:01)
11. Thank You (4:08)
12. Jenna (Reprise) (5:10)
13. Kiss Me. Make Love. (6:49)
Total Playing Time: 50:53 (min:sec)
Total Size : 70,7 MB (74*098*943 bytes)
Loui Vetta----Postreggaeprecore

Artist : Loui Vetton
Album : Off The Hook!
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:41)
2. We Apologize (3:33)
3. Shroom! (2:46)
4. Jenna (3:10)
5. El Trompetista Es Un Borracho (1:17)
6. Las Vacas Son Las Vacas Mas Grandes Del Mundo (3:11)
7. 1000 Innocent Lives (3:31)
8. Food Wars (3:15)
9. Leaving (4:17)
10. Hamburg Rock City (3:34)
11. Outro (9:40)
Total Playing Time: 40:01 (min:sec)
Total Size : 55,0 MB (57*688*454 bytes)
Loui Vetton----Off The Hook!

Artist : Lubby Nugget
Album : Subtle Crucial
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. A Visit From The Crack Fairy (1:44)
2. Rambo No 5 (1:52)
3. Clatsby's Disco Dinner (2:33)
4. Flesh Pimp (3:56)
5. Trevor's Pole (2:49)
6. On The Floor (2:13)
7. SDW (2:40)
8. I-900 Tomsis (3:33)
9. Flump (2:35)
10. Donut Bomb (3:46)
11. Beava Rita (3:02)
12. Working Her (2:35)
13. Booty (1:35)
14. Towny Boy (2:15)
15. One Club City (9:40)
Total Playing Time: 46:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 107,4 MB (112*643*058 bytes)
Lubby Nugget----Subtle Crucial

Artist : Luchaskalientes
Album : Maledetto Positivismo
Year : 2014
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:28)
2. Tra il dire e il fare (3:49)
3. Piu su (4:33)
4. Pornocrazia (3:59)
5. Nato Sfortunato (4:32)
6. Giudizio Universale (2:38)
7. Senza di te (4:26)
8. Fuori Onda (5:20)
9. La pantegana Arturo (5:17)
Total Playing Time: 36:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 82,7 MB (86*685*121 bytes)
Luchaskalientes----Maledetto Positivismo

Artist : Lucky#7
Album : Lucky#7
Year : 1999
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s
Track Listing
1. The Jess Song (3:28)
2. The Way Things Are (5:26)
3. Your Mom (2:56)
4. This Point (3:14)
5. The Meaning of Life (2:35)
6. Goodnight (2:56)
7. We Are The Awesomest Band Ever (0:28)
8. 1% (4:00)
9. For Them (5:26)
10. B Minor (5:06)
Total Playing Time: 35:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 84,8 MB (88*907*985 bytes)

Artist : Luna Ticks
Album : vs. Skalestia EP
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~271K/s
Track Listing
1. Keep It From the World (2:17)
2. Moment of Truth (2:44)
3. Skalestia (2:51)
4. Luna Ticks vs. Skalestia EP (7:49)
Total Playing Time: 15:43 (min:sec)
Total Size : 31,4 MB (32*933*769 bytes)
Luna Ticks----vs. Skalestia EP

Artist : Lycka Till
Album : Lycka Till
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 256K/s
Track Listing
1. La la la (1:44)
2. Listening to Victor Jara (2:11)
3. Pa gott och ont (2:29)
4. Koplust och trangsel (2:27)
5. Sov gott (1:57)
6. No Ambition (2:00)
7. Sean Bonnette och jag (2:34)
8. Alla ni som vantar (2:06)
9. Gaza (2:50)
10. Nar kapitalet tar till vapen (1:41)
11. Fredrick Federley (4:16)
Total Playing Time: 26:20 (min:sec)
Total Size : 48,3 MB (50*620*744 bytes)
Lycka Till----Lycka Till
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